Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What Your Feet Reveal!


Your feet reveal the state of your health.  They reveal physical problems in other parts of your body.

Often, the problems we experience with our feet relate to problems in other parts of the body.

Our feet reflect our lives:  what we eat, what we drink,   how we exercise, how well we sleep.

Tense feet may reflect tension in other parts of your body.

Limp feet indicate poor muscle tone.

Cold, blue, or red feet indicate poor circulation.

Sweaty feet suggest hormonal problems.

Swollen feet suggest a trip to a physician is in order.

Corns, blisters, and ingrown toenails will affect posture.

Bunions should be looked at by a podiatrist.

Hammertoes can benefit from reflexology sessions.

Toenails are a reflection of the diet.

When you don’t have time to look after your feet, you may experience corns, blisters, ingrown toenails, and bunions.  These problems affect your posture and metabolism.

Regular reflexology sessions bring about homeostasis.  People receiving regular reflexology sessions feel better and have fewer foot issues.

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Thurman Greco

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Please check them out!  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted over the years.  My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

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Thurman Greco

Create a space in your life for regular reflexology sessions.  They really help!



Let’s Get Back to Basics! Start with Foot Reflexology

Reduced to a basic practice, reflexology works with zone therapy.  So, this chart is the one I’m displaying first. If you feel that your life is too complicated for reflexology, try massaging your feet and observing where you feel soreness or sensitivity.  Rather than feeling you even need to know how you experience these points, just knowing where they are on your feet is enough.

Foot reflexology sessions relax, balance, detox, and heal your entire body.

Reflexology brings about homeostasis – a body balance that is important for your health.

Reflex areas in your feet correspond to the internal organs.

Note where these points are and then work them over the next few days.

Work your toes to help alleviate headaches,

The ball of your foot relieves tension in your neck and shoulders.

Your foot arch relates to your liver, bowel, and kidneys.  Manipulate this area gently, especially if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends.

Massaging the top of your foot induces psychological calm.

Modern reflexology is based on the centuries-old theory of Zone Therapy.  The principle is that the energy connection should be free-flowing.  An energy blockage will imbalance body parts within that particular zone.

Reflexology sessions work to restore free-flowing energy pathways throughout the body, creating homeostasis.  This energetic body balance is essential for your good health.

When our bodies are balanced, things work better:

stress is relieved

the immune system improves

there is relief from pain

circulation improves

bowel movements improve

toxins  clear

relaxation is better

In short, the body works better!

Most of us know these things but it’s nice to have a short review occasionally.  It’s easier to find time in the daily schedule for a reflexology session if we can remember what the session will actually do for us.

On behalf of healers everywhere, I honor you and thank you for seeking wellness throughout your life.

With blogs, books, classes and sessions, I am not here to change your story.  I am here as a conduit for your healing.

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Ask a friend to join you in a learning adventure.  The two of you can learn together and exchange sessions.

I have several reflexology videos on YOUTUBE – Let’s Live with Thurman Greco.  These videos are free.

Thank you for your interest.

Use the reflexology you keep in your toolbox – Part 6

One nice thing I like about reflexology:  it’s adaptable.

You don’t have to do a lot to prepare for a reflexology  session.  Don’t get me wrong.  Your session preparation can be as elaborate as you can imagine and desire.  It can include music, incense, essential oils, enfolding comforters, gentle lighting, and anything else you want to add to support your client partner.

But when the going gets tough, all you have to do is gently touch a person’s hands or feet for a few moments.  Reflexology warm-ups and warm-downs are powerful.  And there are few to no contraindications to touch a person.

And, a person doesn’t have to be lying by the side of the road to qualify for a gentle touch and nothing more.

Reflexology works well with other modalities.  I love to add Reiki therapy and chakra healing but there are many more modalities that work fine.  The choice is up to you.

On a gurney or roadside, I would certainly add Reiki but, honestly, it’s not necessary.  Reflexology will do the job quite well.

Popular reflexology holds which are appropriate for gurney or roadside situations include simply holding the person’s hands  or feet.

If I can’t make contact any other way, a hand placed on a shoulder can be effective.

I like to begin a session with a gentle solar plexus hold.  After that, I might hold the person’s heels to offer comfort and support.  Gently holding a person’s lymphatic reflexes for a  minute can bring calm.

And, truthfully, Reflexology’s job is to bring about homeostasis.  This  happens in a session, no matter the circumstances.

At your table, reflexology will generate a different result during each session.  That’s because your client is different every day on a cellular level.   This daily difference produces a unique outcome at every session.

But, no matter the circumstance, reflexology is a heavy lifter in your toolbox.  It will not let you down.  After a session, don’t waste even a minute thinking you should have done something else or touched the person’s feet or hands another way.  Your hands did the right thing at the right moment for this person.

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Maintain Your Good Health: Some Guidelines

For me, much disease is preventable  when you maintain your good health.  Staying healthy doesn’t take a lot of time.  Small changes can make big differences.

Positive lifestyle habits contribute to a lifetime of good health.  This blog is filled with suggestions.  Throughout our lives we all make choices about how we are going to live our lives on a day to day basis.  These choices directly impact how and when our lives will end.

Developing a working relationship with your healthcare professional is essential.  Many people enjoy good health for years and feel they don’t need a doctor.  This can’t be further from the truth.  When an accident or illness strikes, you need to know a health care professional, his/her contact information, and you need to have had an appointment within the last year.

People who are never sick haven’t a clue about what to do when a bone is broken or a head is concussed.  They don’t speak hospital and they suddenly find themselves in a foreign land unable to read the directional signs.

Become aware of your body and how it works.  Know what to do when medical attention is needed.  Learn  first aid skills.

Learn to get a healthy night’s sleep.  Sleep is a core element of your good health.  It goes right along with knowing about your body and how it works.  Now, add healthy eating and good physical activity.  When you combine these stepping stones, you have a basic plan to maintain your wellness.

For me, there are several causes of disease.  Some are nutritional.  The first nutritional cause of disease is created by DEFICIENCIES in your diet.  Culprits here are sugar, white flour, processed foods, and added chemicals.

Half our population has DIGESTIVE ISSUES.  Many people have resigned themselves to living with them for the remainder of their lives.  Your body is made to heal your digestive issues because you have a built in abdominal brain which communicates with your cranial brain when there’s a problem.

This is where  prebiotics and probiotics  come in.  And where things like regular reflexology sessions  enter the picture.  And Reiki therapy.  And chakra healing.  Appropriate bodywork has a place in  maintaining your health and wellness life.

Our bodies can be toxic, all the way down to your CELLULAR  LEVEL.  Read the labels on the foods you buy.  If you can’t pronounce a word or words you read on the ingredients list, put the item back on the shelf.

CHRONIC INFLAMMATION is big on the list of cause of disease.  As you work to develop good health, you’ll get up close and personal with chronic inflammation if you go about this the right way.

When it comes to your good health, it all comes down to this:  Eat whole foods.  Eat nuts.  Use olive oils.  Eat grass fed meats.

A SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE will age you as fast as anything.  As I walk down a sidewalk, I see people who move and those who can’t.  Be the one who moves, not the one who doesn’t .  10,000 steps every day is a good start.

POOR SLEEP HABITS are huge on the list of habits which cause disease.  Sleep  regenerates.  Sleep organizes.  Sleep rehabilitates.  Sleep is therapy.

Get enough of it.

When it comes to PRESCRIPTIVE AND OVER THE COUNTER MEDICINES,  take only the minimum you need.  The same holds true for medicinal herbs.  The bottom line is that anything that can change your body for the better can also change it for the worse if it’s not appropriate for you, your health issues, your body, your age.

We all need a reason to get up in the morning – every morning.  SMILES are necessary to your good health.


Good quality, nourishing food is essential.  This statement does not promote one diet for all.  The diet nourishing you may not nourish me at all.

The part of the statement, good quality, is the one size for all part.  In order that what you eat does the best for your wellness, health, and physical fitness, it must be good quality.

Pure air and water are essential.

All of us need adequate warmth and shelter.

We each need a reason to get up every day.

Balancing work, play, and rest is important.

Everyone needs a positive sense of self worth.  We all need positive feelings about our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical selves.

Thank you for reading this post.  Please forward it to your favorite social media network.

Enjoy your continued good health!

Thurman Greco

Juice Cleanse Tips

  1.  Begin your cleanse by spending a few days eating fresh fruit, salads, sprouts, nuts, and seeds and avoid all processed foods.  Maintain a raw food diet for about three days before you  actually focus on the juice part of the cleanse.
  2. Make sure the water you drink is the cleanest  you can find.  A big decision here is whether you prefer ultrapurified water or spring water.   This choice is a personal one.  I’m happy with either one.  When I’m doing a cleanse, I prefer ultrapurified water.    When I am at home and just drinking water on a daily basis, I prefer spring water.  I like spring water because I live in the Hudson Valley of New York State  where I have access to superior water.  I know what spring the  water comes from, even.  In some cases I’ve actually visited a spring and personally seen it.  I never drink water shipped in from another continent, country, state, or even another part of New York State.  That being said, I would probably make different decisions about the water I drink if I lived in another part of the country.  Certainly, if I lived in a foreign country, I would do different things.
  3. When having a cleanse, be sure to rest several times during the day.    Include some guided meditations that you’ve chosen especially for this cleanse occasion.
  4. Set aside time for reflexology sessions and chakra healing sessions.  Begin each day with a Reiki therapy session if you can.
  5. End your cleanse by eating easy-to-digest water, plump fruits and leafy green salads.  Avoid processed foods for as long as you possibly can.  This is crucial to the success of a cleanse.

Reflexologists, now is a good time of the year to conduct a cleanse as a group with several of your fellow practitioners and client partners.  Include a nutritionist in the group to help supervise the cleanse.


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This book can be purchased through Amazon or through my website.  Enjoy!

Thurman Greco


Make Time for Yourself, Reflexologists!

One of the really nice things about being a Reflexologist is that 25 sessions per week is considered to be a full time career.

Even with less than a full time client-partner load, it’s easy to lose sight of yourself and your personal needs as you  look after your client partners and their needs.

You can prevent this from happening if you pamper yourself regularly and make sure your own needs for time and space are met.

A reflexologist who  protects a bit of personal  time and space is a much better healer to his/her client partners.  Your life is just as important as those of your client-partners, family, friends.  Actually, an argument can be made that you are most important because all these people depend on you.

We all enter the healing arts wanting to be the best practitioner we can be.  Taking time for yourself is part of that mix.  Don’t  feel guilty about this.  You need rejuvenation and energizing as much as other practitioners, and at least as much as your client-partners.

Begin by claiming one of those 25 weekly sessions for yourself.  Make a weekly appointment  with another practitioner and receive a session.  This might be a good opportunity to get to know other practitioners by visiting a different professional   every week.

Throughout the week, there are other things you can do to maintain your rejuvenation and energy.

  1.  Script  a healing journal.
  2. Pamper yourself with relaxing baths.  Use candles, salts, essential oils.
  3. Read a book.
  4. Take a few moments  to enjoy a cool  fruit smoothie and a magazine.
  5. Exercise regularly.
  6. Pursue a hobby.
  7. Get yourself out in nature to enjoy the sounds, sights, textures, and smells without technology.

Finally, don’t take everything on your own shoulders all the time.

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My book “A Healer’s Handbook” is now available through Amazon or my website

Thanks, Thurman Greco

Chakras, Insight and Reflexology for the Spirit

heart with wings

heart with wings

We know from our basic reflexology classes that the organs of the body, the skeletal system, the endocrine system, etc., are mirrored on the feet.  The same is true of the chakras.  Each chakra has a specific place on the foot.

Once we factor in the chakras with reflexology, we come to the heart of the Reflexology for the Spirit concept.

This offers us  another layer/healing tool  important both to us and our client partners.  How does this work?

Let’s say  you’re working a person’s feet and you find a hollow.   It’s located on the bottom of the foot immediately below  the little toe.  This hollow is also red.  If we were to pinpoint this hollow on the reflexology map, it would be the shoulder.

Looking at the chakras on the reflexology map, we know this is the 4th chakra.  So, we know that we have a shoulder issue and a 4th chakra issue.

This is an  over simplification of what’s happening with the chakras and reflexology but it gives you an idea of how this is going to work.

The next few posts will focus on the chakras and how they impact our work as reflexologists.  Many of you will be well acquainted with how chakra work.  Others will be in new waters.

It doesn’t really matter what your experience level is here.  What matters is that we, as reflexologists realize that a hollow on the 4th chakra level will have an extra meaning for you and your client.  So will a corn on the 3rd toe.

We will not only see what:





athlete’s foot,


yellow skin

and anything else found on the foot reflects.  But, finally, we will gain specific insight into what areas of your client partner’s life the crystals, hollows, corns, warts, athlete’s foot, redness, yellow skin  actually affect.

A callus on the heel, for example, is a 1st chakra event.  This callus  will impact the core beliefs of your client partner.

You will know when you find hollows or crystals or mushiness (or anything else) in the kidney area of the food, that you also have a second chakra event.

Chakras  form the total energetic makeup of a person.  When working a person’s feet, it’s important to know what each chakra means, how it affects the person’s day-to-day life.  Insight into a person’s deeper layers helps them recognize things about themselves which they

may have forgotten,

didn’t feel were important,

or didn’t care about.


The chakras are all interconnected.  They build on one another.  What this means is that if one chakra is not balanced, all of them will be affected.  The entire body will be affected.    When you have a cut on the bottom of your foot, it may result in painful walking which will result in a spine thrown off balance which will affect the health of the entire body. There is a ripple effect.

This also works for the chakras.  When the first chakra is unbalanced a person may feel ungrounded which will affect how the  person deals with depression  (a second chakra issue), which will no doubt affect one’s digestion (a third chakra issue). and on and on.

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Artwork donated by Jennette Nearhood.

Thurman Greco



Sleep…Blessed Sleep


People seek out reflexologists when  they have sleep issues.    And, visiting  a reflexologist regularly  to encourage quality sleep is a good thing to do.  Very few people receiving regular Reflexology for the Spirit  sessions have problems sleeping.

Regular sessions encourage homeostasis.  It’s  impossible to achieve homeostasis and have sleep issues at the same time.

Your body systems know immediately if you are sleeping properly.    This is the rule:

The better you sleep, the better your immune system functions.

Your immune system needs to be calm and relaxed  to function  properly.  This won’t  happen if you’re not sleeping properly.  Your immune system needs your body to receive not only enough sleep but the quality must be good as well.

Your body repairs itself as you sleep.  Your immune system maintains itself.     In order for this to happen,  stress levels must be turned down.  This happens during sleep.

Except when it doesn’t.  There are sleep situations where the stress levels are not diminished.  Examples include insomnia and sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder.   One symptom of sleep apnea is snoring.  Snoring can, in some instances, be dangerous because if it is untreated, it can activate the immune system.

Insomnia is also a threat to a healthy immune system.  Insomnia has several different causes.  Insomnia is created when people burn the candle at both ends.  Anxiety and/or depression also cause mood disorders in addition to insomnia.

Good quality sleep:

promotes a healthy immune system.

encourages overall good health.

helps slow down aging.

People sleeping well also look better.  Several  things  can be done to promote healthy sleep habits:

Establish a bedtime and stick to it.  Go to bed at the same time every night.

Create a peaceful sleep environment without






Make sure your bed has a

restful mattress

soft sheets

cozy blankets

comfortable pillows.

Establish  a sleep ritual which prepares your body, your brain, and your immune system for a good night’s sleep.  Adopt  sleep-encouraging techniques such as meditation or self Reiki therapy.

If you have a partner, taking a few reflexology lessons can be a real boost to healthy sleep for you both.  You can then offer a reflexology exchange in the evenings before you sleep.

Self Reiki is a wonderful sleeping potion.  Easy to learn and use, it  encourages sleep.

Use essential oils to encourage sleep.  Put a few drops of a favorite oil on a tissue and place it inside your pillowcase or in a pocket.

And, finally, don’t become obsessive about sleep.  Sleep will come.  You can learn to sleep.

Lotus Heart Healing with Tom Rigler


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Thurman Greco

Renee Ruwe offered the photo used into today’s post.


Reflexology blog – What to do about Phlebitis

PHLEBITIS OCCURS WHEN A VEIN IN THE LEG IS INFLAMED.   This usually happens when a clot forms in the vein due to slow blood circulation.  An injury of some kind may be involved.

When the situation is superficial, it’s called phlebitis.  When the situation involves a deep vein, the situation is more serious and is  called deep venous thrombosis.  The symptoms are similar and it’s hard for a person to tell the difference.

THE WISDOM IS THIS:  if you have an area on a leg which is red, swollen, or painful, it’s time to see your healthcare professional right away.  The deep vein clot has the potential to be much more serious than phlebitis.

Are you in a situation where your lifestyle is sedentary?  Are you in a spiritual/emotional situation where things are just not moving?

Don’t ignore Phlebitis.  Do what your healthcare professional says.  Get the exercise you need.  Put your feet up to reduce swelling.  Wear flat heeled shoes.

Whenever possible, walk, run, dance, swim.  Move forward in your life.

WHEN OFFERING REFLEXOLOGY to a phlebitis sufferer, work the circulatory system as you focus on the heart reflex.

Work the endocrine system by focusing on the adrenal gland reflex.

End the session by working the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Kidney Infections should not be ignored. They are serious.

Kidney infections have many causes.  If left medically untreated, they  can be fatal.  Kidney infections often begin in the lower urinary tract as bacterial infections or toxins in the blood and proceed up the body through the ureters.   UTIs should be treated by a competent healthcare professional as early in the disease as possible.

Spiritually, kidneys are about balance as well as both building up and letting go.  Kidneys help build red blood cells.  They also are about letting go as they filter out unwanted substances, releasing those elements which are toxic or damaging in some way.

If your kidneys are bothering you, definitely seek competent medical help but also look at your life and ask:  “How can I best release the negativity in my life?”

When working a kidney disorder, begin by working the immune system with emphasis on the spleen.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal glands.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra.

Work the lymphatic system.

Finish up the session by working the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco