Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The First Chakra and Reflexology



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All 7 of the major Chakras are reflected in our feet.  They line up on the spine and they relate to energy centers found on the body.  The first Chakra is found at the base of the spine.

The reflex point for the first Chakra is located on the heel of both feet.  First Chakra issues are concerned with



connection to our earth – our environment

issues with grounding

one’s connection to the community



Have  you put down roots?  Or are unable to establish a home?

Do you find it hard to move ahead in life?  Or, are you unable to let go of your family?

Do you feel vulnerable?  Are you refusing to budge?

Do you eat properly?

Do you  hang onto unhealthy relationships?

Can you receive?

Can you give?

Are you in a rut?

Are you afraid of change, even if it is positive?

Are you in your body?

Are you controlling?

There are many first Chakra phrases using the word “heel”:

Cool your heels

Down at your heels

Well heeled

Take to your heels

Drag your heels

Achilles heel

I’m sure you can come up with even  more.

Fear is a first Chakra issue.  Fear is a culprit in almost every disease, health issue, and problem we encounter in life.  Fear keeps us all from being the totally healthy beings we were born to be.

We carry fear over from past lives.  And, if you don’t believe in past life issues, just skip them and think for a few minutes about the fear issues we carry from childhood.  We can be perfectly rational adults and still carry fear baggage around.  Sometimes I see clients whose fear issues weigh more than their physical bodies weigh.  Many obese people are holding fear in the form of extreme fat around their bodies.

If you and/or your client partners want to be healthy, it’s important to have a balanced first Chakra.  There are several ways to balance one’s first Chakra:

Reflexology for the Spirit sessions  offer homeostasis which is the balance of all body systems.

Reiki therapy sessions balance the Chakras.

Meditation.  Set aside a few minutes daily to meditate on a balanced Chakra system.  The first Chakra needs to be grounded.  Take time each day to listen to what your body tells you.  If you listen, it will never lie to you.  If you listen, you will know when you are not grounded and when your Chakras are not balanced.

It is also easy to tell how balanced your first Chakra is by observing your hips.  What is the range of movement for your hips, knees, and ankles?  How do they feel?  Your ankles, knees, and hips move you forward in this world.  They keep you balanced.  Stability is important for the first Chakra.  Pain, tightness, restricted movement, and inflexibility are strong indicators of a need to balance the first Chakra.

Physically,  the  first Chakra governs 3 systems:

Immune System

Skeletal System

Lower Digestive Tract.

When you work with your client partner’s first chakra, you offer an opportunity for increased self awareness.  What a gift you give!

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Photos provided by Renee Ruwee

Thurman Greco




Time-Out for Sharing then Moving on to the Chakras.

DSCN0202 2For the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing with you.  I’ve offered information in each post for you, in turn,  to share with your client partners.  I’m following  the advice of my teacher and mentor Marge D’Urso who emphasized the many things we can all do in conjunction with reflexology to encourage homeostasis.

Not all of this information applies to all of your client partners.

Some people come to our tables in order to feel better.  Others want us to help them take greater charge of their own health.   Yet  others  simply want to hop on the table, receive their reflexology session, and go away blissed out.  And, there’s nothing wrong with that.

One special group wants  to add other things to their lives which will help them

feel better

look better

avoid chronic disease

live longer

enjoy better health.

By sharing this information slowly, in small increments, you can, along with your reflexology sessions, give your  client partners an opportunity to completely change their lives for the better in a  non threatening way.

These gradual changes when mixed with reflexology  offer dramatic improvements over time.  The idea is to be sharing  opportunities for good health without complicating lifestyles any more than they already are.  You’ll be leading your client partners to a a more healthy lifestyle.  They can completely change their lives 1 step at a time.




Not all client partners will adopt every suggestion offered.  Some won’t choose any suggestions.  Some will try everything suggested for a time.  Then, they’ll drop the health step after a few weeks. There’s  something here for everyone.  We are all different.  Our attitudes, ages, and lifestyles are all different.

What’s important is that you are gently, without pushing, sharing  suggestions for a healthier lifestyle.

When your client partners are ready, they’ll have this knowledge to use in the way which works best for them.

I’m taking a break  with this series of posts to offer you, the reflexologist, some more hands-on posts.  Then, I’ll return to these wellness posts  for awhile longer…until I feel  you have something to offer most  client partners over a period of a year or more.  You want to be sharing  something which a person may accept and live with for awhile before taking on another health giving change.  It’s important to let an adopted change settle in so they become lifetime habits.

Beginning next week, I’ll offer posts about Chakras and the feet.  We have reflex points for Chakras in our feet.  I hope you find these  articles interesting.  I hope you can use this information in your work!

Thanks for reading this blog/book.

Please refer this post to your preferred social media network.

Don’t forget to join the email list.

Thurman Greco

Infertility and Reflexology

EXPERIENCING INFERTILITY CAN BE DEVASTATING TO A COUPLE.    People  feel they’ve been victimized.  Life sometimes ceases to have meaning for some.  They become depressed, jealous.  Marriages sometimes fall apart.  People feel rejected, abandoned, inadequate, sad.

INFERTILITY HAS MANY CAUSES  – both physical, and emotional:  environmental, hormonal, genetic.  Drug usage, stress, blocked fallopian tubes or testicles, unconscious fears, childhood abuse, can all contribute to infertility.

In this country, people don’t often think of reflexology to help with infertility issues.  In other parts of the world, people trying to overcome infertility issues use the services of a reflexologist  successfully.

If you’re offering reflexology to a couple  dealing with infertility, begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the entire endocrine system and then focus on the pituitary gland reflexes, the ovary and testicle reflexes, and finally, the uterus and prostate reflexes.

Finish the session by returning to the solar plexus and then the liver reflexes.


AND, I OFFER A FINAL SUGGESTION.   There are many reasons for infertility. Some are spiritual.  This may be a time for you to review what may be your life path and goals.  There are many, many children and other animals in dire need at this time on our planet.  At the risk of totally upsetting everyone who reads this blog, I submit to you that possibly your path includes embracing one or more of these precious beings into your life instead of bringing a new life into embodiment.

IS THE UNIVERSE TELLING YOU SOMETHING?   Listen carefully.  There are many ways to use your caring,  nurturing, and creative energy for the benefit of all mankind.  There are many creatures in need of the  love you have to offer.

On behalf of the many needy beings on this planet, I thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – 8 Reasons to Call a Professional Healthcare Provider if You Have Back Pain

Not all pack pain problems need immediate medical attention. Many times a Reflexology for the Spirit session can offer relief and/or healing. Massage is helpful also. Sometimes a chiropractor or acupuncturist can offer relief. Because of the spiritual aspect surrounding back issues, time itself can offer healing. Reflexology works well with other modalities. Back discomfort is no exception.
However, it’s nice to know when you need to contact a professional about your discomfort. The following symptoms require attention:
Back pain following an accident or other injury
Constant pain which is not relieved by changing position
Pain that continues when resting, especially at night
Unexplained weight loss
Muscle weakness in arms, hands, legs, or feet
Sciatic pain felt below the level of the knee
Swelling and/or joint pain
Loss of sensation in buttocks/thighs
Urinary retention
Thank you for reading this blog/book. Tomorrow’s post will focus on things you can do to protect your back and have a more comfortable airplane ride.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

What is Reflexology for the Spirit?

Page0004 (1)Reflexology for the Spirit works with reflex points (nerve endings) in the hands, feet, and ears corresponding to specific areas throughout the body.  This book deals with the feet only, but the reflex points are also in the hands and ears (we leave these for the subject of another book).  It’s a system which, when applied, may help many existing health conditions.

These reflex points offer a map which is both easy to read and use.  The left side of the body is reflected in the left foot and the right side of the body is reflected in the right foot.

Reflexology for the Spirit is a natural whole body modality, so many people find they have an aptitude for this hands-on work.

We’re dealing with the energy links and systems of which our bodies are made.  Students are often surprised at how logical the reflexology system is:  the brain is read as a reflection in the toes, the lower spine is in the heel.  The internal organs are in the spaces in between.  This is exciting stuff.

The first place a disease or imbalance can be detected and subsequently treated is in the feet.  Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners  often detect ailments, problems, and diseases before they manifest symptoms anywhere else in the body.  These are described as crystals, resistance, mushiness, emptiness, hollows, etc.  They also can be felt through the sensations the client partner experiences.

The next post will complete the opening portion of this chapter.  After that, we’ll be discussing specific health issues:  allergies, anxieties, MS, stress, to name only a few.

Thanks for reading this post.  Please use the comment section for any questions you may have.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Important Info You May Not Find Elsewhere

CCI06242014Reflexology is one of the world’s most enduring and non-invasive therapies.  Reflexology sessions offer a method of reflexing energy points in the feet (or hands).  These sessions bring healing results to many parts of the body at the same time.  And, these sessions usually take no more than an hour.

The principle behind reflexology is that the entire body is mapped out on the feet.  Important information for us:  points on the feet relate to every area with a corresponding part in the body.  Reflexing these points opens up pathways for healing to begin.

The spiritual aspect relates to the deeper component where the client’s emotions are found.  They  are  the basis of medical issues or illness.  They are also  a manifestation of them.  They can be liberated by this work.  One can certainly be a reflexologist who does the mechanical work without focusing on the spiritual aspect,  There are many of them.

Important information is that  something changes in the hands-on experience of the session when the practitioner’s intention is to wake up the spiritual center.  When that happens, the practitioner and the client-partner work together as a team.  As the intention is released the client-partner finds inner spirit.  In that release comes peace and homeostasis, a word you’ll  find again and again in this blog.

In the next post,  I’ll continue sharing important information with you.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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Peace and food for all