Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Cancer and Your Spirituality

Spiritually, few diseases have an impact as strong as cancer.  Grief eats away at your body.  Carrying past wounds makes you fearful, angry.  You attack yourself from the inside out.  Finally, you are running on empty.

Cancer is a complex and life-threatening disease.  It requires specially trained health care professionals.  Your journey to wellness will be easier and more effective if your medical knows about any and all alternative remedies you use.  Your recovery calls for conventional physicians and integrative medical techniques.  In other words, use every tool you feel will work.

Include internists, physical therapists, nutritionists, bodyworkers, healers in your wellness team.  Everyone is needed to care for you and give you a better path to success.

As with arthritis, there are many different forms of cancer.  Your reflexology, Reiki, and chakra healing sessions, received 24 to 48 hours after chemotherapy help move the medication throughout your body more efficiently.

Regular sessions offer a deep sense of relaxation, homeostasis, pain relief, and reduce stress.  If reflexology is not available, try other bodywork modalities.  They can change your cancer experience.  Safe, effective healing bodywork therapies offer nurturing in tandem with cancer treatment.

When you suffer from cancer, continue all your treatments, both allopathic and complementary.  Your reflexologist will support your return to good health through all your treatments.  Your sessions will be most effective when you combine reflexology with Reiki, chakra healing.

Do you practice Reiki?  No?  Now might be a good time to start.  Self Reiki sessions can help with fear, nausea, and pain.


The list is long:  age, air pollution, diabetes, excess sun exposure, exposure to chemicals, family history, heavy alcohol consumption, obesity, polyps in colon, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, poor health.

Some professions believe cancers don’t need risk factors because many people get cancer who don’t have applicable risk factors or who are not exposed to them.  This makes cancer a more spiritual set of diseases.


The location of your cancer tells you which chakras are affected.  With cancer, the chakras need to be balanced.

Prostate and rectal cancer involve your root chakra.  Cancers of your cervix, ovaries, uterus, colon, unbalance your sacral chakra.  Cancers of your stomach, liver, intestinal tract, pancreas, unbalance your solar plexus chakra.  Your heart chakra becomes unbalanced by breast and lung cancers.  Lung cancer unbalances your throat chakra as well.  Finally, brain tumors affect your crown chakra.


brain reflexes, endocrine system, digestive system, immune system, respiratory system, the lymphatics, circulatory system, nervous system, liver, solar plexus


Canadian red cedar, clove, dill, Douglas fir, galbanum, grapefruit, hyssop, Idaho balsam fir, lavender, ledum, maleleuca, myrrh, myrtle, nutmeg, patchouli, rose, sage, sandalwood, tarragon, thyme, tsuga, valerian, ylang ylang


Consult with your nutritionist, your physicians, and your entire support team to choose vitamin and mineral supplements for your situation.  Nutritional support will help decrease any side effects you experience.  Some professionals believe you will recover faster, have fewer complications if you take nutritional supplements.

If you have questions about which supplements are best for you, I refer you to Village Apothecary, 79 Tinker Street, here in Woodstock, New York, 12498.  I get all my supplements at Village Apothecary.  I trust Neil Smoller’s advice.


Normalize your cholesterol levels.  Exercise.  Use smart food choices, portion control to balance your weight.   Staying active helps relieve fatigue, reduce anxiety, lift pain, boost energy, preserve muscle strength, protect bones.  Avoid overexposure to sun. Skip the alcohol.  The list, it seems, is endless.

If you read this section of the book, maybe you’re taking stock of your life.  Now is a good time to search your inner self and seek those lost parts you’ve ignored for a long time.  Move them onto your front row of attention.  Nourish those feelings and thoughts.  Put them in the spotlight.  Your goal is to feel safe so you  can heal.


There’s a correlation between fat, meat, and cancer.  Fruits, vegetables, fiber are necessary for you if you are trying to prevent or treat cancer.  Nutrition is important.

Some well known cancer-fighting foods include green tea, garlic, soy, turmeric, and ginger.  No one food can cure cancer.  But a good diet can help your quality of life while you fuel your body.  At mealtime, fill your plate with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.


Living well offers protection against many cancers.  Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy diet.  Exercise regularly.  Avoid tobacco and alcohol to prevent many cancers.  Get a bit of sunlight every day.  There is, however, no magic bullet.


Have I left my community behind?  Is deep stress undermining my immune system?  Can I be honest about my feelings?

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One Thing Everyone Needs

Page0009WHEN YOU COMMIT TO  making health a priority, it becomes a part of your everyday life.  This commitment is one thing everyone needs.  You become conscious of how your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual systems work together and how they change daily.  You listen to the messages your body sends.

WHEN YOU REALIZE THAT something is not right, you work to bring about balance.   Homeostasis offers  an opportunity to honor the body as   a complex system.  Homeostasis occurs when this system is in balance.  This is the one thing everyone needs.

WHEN YOU FOCUS ON  your overall health as the pieces  fit together and make sense.

The food you eat goes

with the sleep you get goes

with the exercise you get goes

with the information you receive from your body goes

with the supplements you take goes

with the importance of homeostasis.

The balance  we all seek is what I define as health.  This can be a  challenge.    One thing is sure:

for my money we can’t have good health without homeostasis.

Health is different for everyone.  As we go through life, we have to figure out what works for each of us.  In the 21st century, there is no one “right” answer to a health question.  There are, instead, several good answers for each question.  We  empower ourselves to make the right personal decision based on:

our own health goals,

personal health circumstances,

the advice of  professional  healthcare professionals.

The important thing is to take control of the body and the future of our health.

Taking control means being well informed about our options.  We have to know the difference between what options are “good” and what options are “not so good”.  The power to choose a path based on practical information is  strong.  The informed choices we make  guide us down the path to health.

Curing disease starts with preventing it.

Empowerment brings responsibility.  We won’t know which options are right for us until we know ourselves and our bodies intimately.  Good decision making involves knowing:

our physiology,


unique health conditions,

and what we consider to be important.

The next series of articles will explore the answer to the question “What is Health?”

Some of the information shared in these posts will work for you and your client partners.  Some of it will not.  After all, everyone:

is  different.

has choices to make.

Hopefully you’ll find things that will work for both you and  your client-partners.  At the end of this section of the book, both you and your client partners   should be empowered by the information shared.  This is the one thing everyone needs.


Thank you for joining me in this journey as we explore homeostasis and health.

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I hope you found this helpful.  Please leave your comments below and check out the other posts.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood