Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Let’s Get Back to Basics! Start with Foot Reflexology

Reduced to a basic practice, reflexology works with zone therapy.  So, this chart is the one I’m displaying first. If you feel that your life is too complicated for reflexology, try massaging your feet and observing where you feel soreness or sensitivity.  Rather than feeling you even need to know how you experience these points, just knowing where they are on your feet is enough.

Foot reflexology sessions relax, balance, detox, and heal your entire body.

Reflexology brings about homeostasis – a body balance that is important for your health.

Reflex areas in your feet correspond to the internal organs.

Note where these points are and then work them over the next few days.

Work your toes to help alleviate headaches,

The ball of your foot relieves tension in your neck and shoulders.

Your foot arch relates to your liver, bowel, and kidneys.  Manipulate this area gently, especially if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends.

Massaging the top of your foot induces psychological calm.

Modern reflexology is based on the centuries-old theory of Zone Therapy.  The principle is that the energy connection should be free-flowing.  An energy blockage will imbalance body parts within that particular zone.

Reflexology sessions work to restore free-flowing energy pathways throughout the body, creating homeostasis.  This energetic body balance is essential for your good health.

When our bodies are balanced, things work better:

stress is relieved

the immune system improves

there is relief from pain

circulation improves

bowel movements improve

toxins  clear

relaxation is better

In short, the body works better!

Most of us know these things but it’s nice to have a short review occasionally.  It’s easier to find time in the daily schedule for a reflexology session if we can remember what the session will actually do for us.

On behalf of healers everywhere, I honor you and thank you for seeking wellness throughout your life.

With blogs, books, classes and sessions, I am not here to change your story.  I am here as a conduit for your healing.

“Healer’s Handbook” is available  as an ebook or paperback at

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For more info, check out my books on

To learn more about reflexology, download this video.

Ask a friend to join you in a learning adventure.  The two of you can learn together and exchange sessions.

I have several reflexology videos on YOUTUBE – Let’s Live with Thurman Greco.  These videos are free.

Thank you for your interest.

September Brings a New Season.

September is a time to honor your health – your wellbeing.

Have fun with this!  Celebrate the season!

LOCAL FARMERS’ MARKETS offer a bounty of fresh and local fruits, vegetables, and artisanal products.

September’s markets bring my favorite foods.

Tomatoes, potatoes, squash, apples, melons, figs, and beets are in season this time of year  adding color to your plate and your soul.

Stick with these new fresh produce options throughout your Autumn and into Winter.  Two fruits which I make a point to buy and eat in September include pears and pumpkins.  I love both these foods and they taste best during September.

Find a farmers’ market and plan your meals around the seasonal produce you discover.  A bonus on this food is that you’ll boost your antioxidents when you eat fresh seasonal produce.

Cook up a soup or stew.

I think of my breakfast as a September food.  Every morning I have a serving of muesli topped with yogurt and blueberries or other seasonal fruit.

Visit your LOCAL HEALTH FOOD STORE for what you can’t find at the farmers’ market.

While you’re there, stock up on immune-boosting supplements.  Go for a multi-vitamin, calcium, D3, a protein, and probiotics.

Commit to staying hydrated with lots of water.

It’s sweater time!  Is your wardrobe ready for that extra layer you’re going to need?  Consider LOCAL THRIFT SHOPS AND YARD SALES.  Make eco-friendly options a priority.

Is someone in your house returning to school?  Check the backpacks and lunch boxes.  Are they in good condition?

SLEEP BETTER in this cooler weather.  When September rolls around, I enjoy renewing tranquility with soothing colors in my bedroom.

I look around the room and remove any and all electronic gadgets that have somehow sneaked in during the year.

September is the time of the year when I ban  TVs, computers, phones, and anything else with an electromagnetic field which can produce irritating attitudes and challenge my sleep.

My goal is to refresh my bedroom so that it’s a retreat where I escape from the noise of everyday life.  This sanctuary reminds me that meditation, rest, and contemplation are important for a renewed state of mind.

Nourish your mind and rejuvenate yourself for the coming winter months.

Go a step further and schedule a regular reflexology or reiki session.  Better yet, get one of each!

ENRICH YOUR LIFE a bit.  September is a good time to learn to play a musical instrument, visit a museum, investigate your family history, take a walk, or just daydream.


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If you are interested in learning more:

This new channel is improving daily.  I always enjoy visiting it on Tuesdays because that’s when the new video productions are loaded.

T-shirts, hats, books, and aprons are sold at

The summer book sale ends on September 22nd.  That’s the date of the autumn equinox.



Reflexology, Homeostasis, and Your Diet. 9 Ways They Help

Your body continually changes throughout your daily activities.  Sleeping, dancing, or taking out the trash, your body tries to maintain a healthy balance – homeostasis.

When  you  visit a reflexologist, other bodyworker, or healthcare professional,  you may be trying to address one or more ongoing,  persistent,  health problems  in addition to your diet.   You seek solutions while saying to yourself  “I may have to learn to live with  fatigue ( insomnia, constipation, headaches)”.  A reflexology session does much for you.

Sleep comes easier as patterns change.

More regular bowel movements emerge.

Your body  begins a mild detox.

Your tensions relax.

Your overactive or underactive glands and organs begin to normalize.

Your nerve and blood supply improve.

You begin to feel refreshed, relaxed, and energetic.

Pain and discomfort disappear.

The truth is, we don’t know how a person’s body will respond to or react to a particular reflexology session.  Whatever the reaction, it is a sign that the therapy is working.

Things happen after a reflexology session because they need to happen – whether it’s sleep, relaxation, tension reduction, or pain loss.

These reactions and responses are important when you diet because of changes  brought about by your weight loss as you change the foods you eat and you move more.

These reactions are also important because they tell you that you are self-healing.

One thing people don’t really mention is that both reflexology and your diet encourages you to tune in to your own feelings and your body to see what feels best for you.

This is a major change.  I hope this sensitivity will stay with you long after the diet and extra pounds  have moved on.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco

Beginning with the next post, I will be blogging about self-care during a diet.  I feel that a diet is the ultimate self-care experience.  It is your opportunity to care for yourself spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Go for it!

Easy Wellness: 10 Tips for a Longer Life

Easy wellness is real and is even easier than you think.

JOB STRESS IS A FACT OF LIFE.  There is a correlation between workplace stress and obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, gastrointestinal problems, asthma.  It’s no surprise that  people are more likely to suffer a heart attack on Monday than on the other days of the week.

So, what can you do to ease the pressure and experience easy wellness?  Easy wellness techniques you can adopt  are easier than you might think.

Go for a walk on your lunch hour.

Take your phone calls while standing up and moving around.

Play relaxing music.

Skip happy hour and go to the gym instead.

Wash your hands at least five times each day with soap and warm water.

Keep your bedroom clutter and electronics free.

Change your sheets weekly.

EASY WELLNESS  EQUALS  HEALTHY WEIGHT.  Being overweight increases your risk for all illnesses and chronic conditions.  Being underweight prevents the body from functioning at peak performance.

GET YOUR ANNUAL FLU SHOT.  AND, AS YOU AGE, GET YOUR ANNUAL PNEUMONIA SHOT AND SHINGLES SHOT.  It’s estimated that over  40,000 people die annually from the flu.  An annual shot can prevent at least some of  these deaths.

GET NAKED!  Occasionally, inspect your body from head to toe.  Look for blemishes, lesions, rashes, and other body oddities that are new on the scene.  Your skin reflects the state of your entire body.  If you will pay attention to your skin, you can catch the signs of underlying internal disease.  Your body will tell you how well you are aging through skin tone, wrinkles, and color.

Expand the skin care routine you devote to your face and neck to include a skin care routine for your entire body.

GET OFF YOUR SEAT AND ON YOUR FEET.   Easy wellness can go beyond the gym.  Is your job physically intense?  Or do you spend most of your time at a desk?  Find ways to keep yourself moving throughout your day.  Your body will love you for this!

DISCONNECT!  At least twice a week give yourself a time out.  It needn’t be too long.  Try for 20 minutes at a time.  Cut off your phone, your computer, your TV, your radio, your doorbell.   Spend a few minutes enjoying your surroundings without interruptions.  Your body, your mind, your spirit will thank you!

QUIT SMOKING – Okay, this may not be easy to do but, once you’ve done it, you’ll be healthier, more alert, richer,  live longer.  If you can get yourself down to 5 cigarettes a day, it’s easier to quit the habit completely.

GET YOUR HEART RATE UP FOR AT LEAST 20 MINUTES A DAY.    This can be real easy wellness.  One way to do this is to move your body and force your lungs and heart to work harder for 20 minutes every day.  Your entire body will appreciate this effort – including your brain!

COFFEE CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU.  Coffee goes in and out of fashion.  I recommend a reasonable amount of coffee, especially in the morning.  Both coffee and tea have antioxidants which we all need.   Your coffee does not need to include the modern energy concoctions which are overloaded with too much coffee and sugar.  Nor does it need to include any of the fashionable flavors being added these days.

GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF A DNA TEST.  This is easy wellness in action.  You’ll be fascinated by  the information and you’ll also know yourself better.  Results of your DNA test can point you in the right direction for wellness habits.

Results of your DNA test can also point you in a right direction for good nutritional habits.  Through your DNA test, you’ll  discover where you came from.  Eating food in the style of your ancestors can help you nutritionally.  I’ll give you an example.  One of my clients wanted to know what to eat.  He had a DNA test which confirmed that most of his heritage was Jewish.  He had his answer right there!

Another client wanted to know what to eat.  His DNA test confirmed that most of his heritage was Mediterranean.  Well, the Mediterranean diet was a good direction for him to follow.  Sticking with the Mediterranean diet food and cutting out all the other food clutter eliminated a few pounds which he needed to lose.

Thank you for reading this easy wellness article!  Please share it with your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York