Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

4 Things to Do for a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is crucial for your good health.  Sleep brings self-care.  It repairs and restores your body.


Schedule a healing bodywork session weekly. 

I prefer reflexology or Reiki. There are hundreds of different modalities to choose from.  If a weekly session is beyond your budget, learn Reiki.   Then, you can offer a session to yourself weekly OR you can do regular exchanges with another Reiki practitioner.

Explore and sample herbs and teas.

Cut back on coffee or caffeinated drinks in the afternoons.  Substitute decaffeinated beverages.  There are so many options that you’ll be able to spend several weeks sampling different teas and drinks. Enjoy!

Create a happy and peaceful place for sleep.

During the coming week, do everything you can to create a quiet and cozy atmosphere.  Your goal is a minimal decor with dim lighting, subdued colors and a comfortable bed with soft sheets and blankets.  Relocate anything which induces irritability.  This includes computers, televisions, and anything that generates electromagnetic fields and positive ions.

Stretch Yourself to Sleep + a Snack 

About 30 or so minutes before you go to sleep, focus on unwinding and relaxing tensions.  Prepare yourself to sleep:

Breathe deeply and rotate your head gently from side to side.

Slowly raise your arms above your head and stretch them to the sky.

Rotate your spine in different directions while gently moving your head and arms in opposing directions.

Give yourself a few extra minutes to relax.

Have a cup of yogurt for a snooze snack.

You can discover more information on sleep in older posts of this blog.

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This book is available on  Copies of this book have traveled to readers in over three dozen countries.

Visit the website,, and see what other books might interest you.  The first edition of “But for Gabriel” is available now as an ebook.  It is also being read on YOUTUBE.

This ebook is available at  Bookmarks are available for the asking.  You can also hear the story at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”.  ENJOY!  “But for Gabriel” is a story based on the Biblical account of the birth of Jesus Christ written for those who don’t follow and may not believe.

This video guides you through a basic reflexology session.  It explains how reflexology works and what you are doing for the recipient’s feet and body.  This video is available for you to use whenever you need it.

You can reach it at

You may also enjoy the YOUTUBE shows:  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”

I hope you have aa chance to visit this YOUTUBE channel.  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing we all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

Join us soon!

And, let us know how you like the shows.

Connect with me on Facebook.

If you have friends who might enjoy this post, please forward it to your favorite social media network.

Thank you.

Thurman Greco


Maintain Your Good Health: Some Guidelines

For me, much disease is preventable  when you maintain your good health.  Staying healthy doesn’t take a lot of time.  Small changes can make big differences.

Positive lifestyle habits contribute to a lifetime of good health.  This blog is filled with suggestions.  Throughout our lives we all make choices about how we are going to live our lives on a day to day basis.  These choices directly impact how and when our lives will end.

Developing a working relationship with your healthcare professional is essential.  Many people enjoy good health for years and feel they don’t need a doctor.  This can’t be further from the truth.  When an accident or illness strikes, you need to know a health care professional, his/her contact information, and you need to have had an appointment within the last year.

People who are never sick haven’t a clue about what to do when a bone is broken or a head is concussed.  They don’t speak hospital and they suddenly find themselves in a foreign land unable to read the directional signs.

Become aware of your body and how it works.  Know what to do when medical attention is needed.  Learn  first aid skills.

Learn to get a healthy night’s sleep.  Sleep is a core element of your good health.  It goes right along with knowing about your body and how it works.  Now, add healthy eating and good physical activity.  When you combine these stepping stones, you have a basic plan to maintain your wellness.

For me, there are several causes of disease.  Some are nutritional.  The first nutritional cause of disease is created by DEFICIENCIES in your diet.  Culprits here are sugar, white flour, processed foods, and added chemicals.

Half our population has DIGESTIVE ISSUES.  Many people have resigned themselves to living with them for the remainder of their lives.  Your body is made to heal your digestive issues because you have a built in abdominal brain which communicates with your cranial brain when there’s a problem.

This is where  prebiotics and probiotics  come in.  And where things like regular reflexology sessions  enter the picture.  And Reiki therapy.  And chakra healing.  Appropriate bodywork has a place in  maintaining your health and wellness life.

Our bodies can be toxic, all the way down to your CELLULAR  LEVEL.  Read the labels on the foods you buy.  If you can’t pronounce a word or words you read on the ingredients list, put the item back on the shelf.

CHRONIC INFLAMMATION is big on the list of cause of disease.  As you work to develop good health, you’ll get up close and personal with chronic inflammation if you go about this the right way.

When it comes to your good health, it all comes down to this:  Eat whole foods.  Eat nuts.  Use olive oils.  Eat grass fed meats.

A SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE will age you as fast as anything.  As I walk down a sidewalk, I see people who move and those who can’t.  Be the one who moves, not the one who doesn’t .  10,000 steps every day is a good start.

POOR SLEEP HABITS are huge on the list of habits which cause disease.  Sleep  regenerates.  Sleep organizes.  Sleep rehabilitates.  Sleep is therapy.

Get enough of it.

When it comes to PRESCRIPTIVE AND OVER THE COUNTER MEDICINES,  take only the minimum you need.  The same holds true for medicinal herbs.  The bottom line is that anything that can change your body for the better can also change it for the worse if it’s not appropriate for you, your health issues, your body, your age.

We all need a reason to get up in the morning – every morning.  SMILES are necessary to your good health.


Good quality, nourishing food is essential.  This statement does not promote one diet for all.  The diet nourishing you may not nourish me at all.

The part of the statement, good quality, is the one size for all part.  In order that what you eat does the best for your wellness, health, and physical fitness, it must be good quality.

Pure air and water are essential.

All of us need adequate warmth and shelter.

We each need a reason to get up every day.

Balancing work, play, and rest is important.

Everyone needs a positive sense of self worth.  We all need positive feelings about our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical selves.

Thank you for reading this post.  Please forward it to your favorite social media network.

Enjoy your continued good health!

Thurman Greco