Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Healing Music – an important part of your toolbox – Part 5

Music is an important component of healing because everything has its very own musical component.

When we speak to one another (or to ourselves), our voices transmit a unique spiritual music.  Each person’s voice is individual.

When we move, our bodies send a tempo representing our feelings at the moment.

Everything around us is musical because we are all composed of energy.

When we offer reflexology or Reiki therapy or chakra healing or any number of other healing modalities, each one has it’s own music.  But, that doesn’t mean that an added layer of healing music isn’t important.  The healing music you play while you heal a person contributes to that person’s wellness.

I have known healers who used only one or two musical selections for everyone.  Other healers had stacks and stacks of cd’s to choose from.

I have also known client partners who preferred a specific song.  One  client partner wanted only a  special song playing when she entered the healing room.  She wanted nothing more.  For her, healing began when she heard the music she chose.   Her choice:  “Nada Himalaya” by Deuter.  New Earth Records produced this CD.

My thoughts on this:  Whatever works for your client is the right choice.

The important thing is not whether I like the music or not.  My preferences don’t matter.   The important thing is that the person who needs and receives the healing responds positively to what she hears.

I have client partners who only want to hear chants.  Others dislike the chants and don’t want to hear them.  My job is to discover what music each client prefers and have it playing during each session.

If you don’t know what to offer, you can’t go wrong with some quiet Bach or Pachelbel.  Music by Steven Halpern or Deuter have been staples in healing rooms for decades.

But, whatever you select, your choice is important, very important.

Not long ago, I lost a client because of the music I selected.  This woman was a recent regular client – coming to my table weekly.  She appeared to be happy with my services and healing modality environment.

She enjoyed a variety of music and I had enough CD’s to offer a different selection at each session.  Then, one day, she walked into the healing room and immediately went on alert.  She was even a little fearful.  I didn’t know why.

Before the end of the session, she commented to me that I was playing her “favorite song”.  The musician was not well known and only had one CD out.   She revealed  me that this love for the music we were listening to was a deep dark secret that she had never shared with anyone.

I had, inadvertently, invaded a  private space she was not prepared to share.

Do I need to tell you what happened to this client?

Every client has a private space where no one can be invited in.  One of the jobs of a healer is to find the  door, make sure it’s locked, and throw away the key.

The music you share in your healing space is as intimate as the work you do.

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Thurman Greco





Wellness and Healing for Ourselves and Our Planet During the Spring Solstice

To promote wellness and healing throughout the planet,  and on March 19th, find a time and place that fits your schedule.

Sit quietly for a few moments and visualize a world where positive renewal and growth exists  for all beings.  Allow wellness and healing to become a reality for all.

Plant  spiritual seeds to nurture your goals and dreams.  Get to know your potential  and reflect on all the wonderful opportunities in the world for growth and hope throughout our planet.

Set an intention  honoring  this mystical and magical change of seasons creating space for your spiritual growth.

Check in with yourself now.  Give your spirit the support it needs and seeks to bring wellness and healing to all beings on our planet.

Quiet your mind as you bathe in this new energy of spring.  Invite universal balance into our world.

Thank you

Thurman Greco

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Reflexology Blog – A Guided Meditation

Find a comfortable place and begin to relax. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing as you inhale slowly and deeply. Count slowly to 4 as you breathe in. Then, exhale slowly and deeply. Count again slowly to 4. Now, at the end of the deep exhale, count to 2 as you rest between breaths. Repeat this breathing pattern. Inhale slowly and deeply. Count slowly to 4 as you inhale. Now, exhale slowly and deeply as you again count to 4. At the end of the exhale, count to 2. Repeat this pattern of breathing for a few moments as your body becomes more quiet.
You are slowing down and relaxing. Allow any thoughts entering your mind now to pass by without focusing on them or analyzing them in any way. Just let them go.
You feel fully relaxed and comfortable. You see an angel moving toward you. Notice how this angel appears to you. How large is this angel? What colors surround this angel?
You know without asking that this angel has come to bring you a gift – a healing flower. You accept this beautiful flower with gratitude. As you hold it  in your hands, you notice  you are feeling warmer and even more comfortable. You feel love surrounding this flower. What color is it? What does it look like? How big is it? Are there leaves surrounding it? Without even asking, you know that this gift, this flower being given to you by this special angel is a healing gift.
As you hold this healing flower,  you feel its warmth. You begin to be aware of the vibrations being shared with you through petals of this flower. You are also receiving energy from this magical flower.
You glance around you and realize you are in a very special bubble of protection for this healing gift. Your angel has surrounded you and the healing flower with a bubble so that nothing can disturb as you receive this special healing energy.
You begin to feel this beautiful healing energy circulate throughout your entire body. The energy feels warm and comforting. As this energy circulates throughout your body, you feel the healing rays. You are happy to be in this healing bubble as the warmth and healing energy engulf you. You feel safe.
You relax even more. This happens as you feel more and more protected and safe.
You begin to focus on the flower. You notice different colors in this flower and how they offer healing energy just for you. You are aware of a healing light in your bubble and you feel very safe and loved in this space which the angel has created. You feel your angel  enfolding you and offering you healing energy and safety. You know you are in a space which is very good for you.
For a few moments, you just rest comfortably in this special healing sanctuary.   This is your moment to absorb the positive, warm, enfolding energy.
You forget about time passing. You are able to just “be in the moment.” You absorb the peace of the moment and cherish the experience.
Slowly, you return to the world. You offer gratitude and love to your special angel who created this space just for you. You return to your body. You feel comfortable as you become aware of the room once again.
You thank the angel again. You are grateful for the blessings you received and for the healing energy that was the special gift from your angel. You feel that the goodness received from your angel has expanded your being.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Our Skin Protects Us and Guards Us.

The largest organ we have, our skin is our biggest protector. It is a sense organ because it is through the skin that we exercise our sense of touch.
Skin is both emotional and spiritual. When we describe skin, we use words such as protect, nourish, insulate, communicate, heal, give, receive.
Our skin is our boundary so there are many skin issues to deal with throughout life. This blog has already addressed the following issues in previous posts: acne, callouses, corns, eczema, peeling skin, psoriasis, shingles, sweaty feet, and thick skin.
Whew! That says a lot about our skin and the work it does. What it says is this:
Reflexology for the Spirit sessions are very important when addressing sense organ issues in general and skin issues specifically.
When you offer reflexology for a skin issue, please work it holistically. In other words,  work to heal the physical issue but also  consider where this problem is manifesting itself on the feet.  It is also important to help your client partner feel safe for a few moments when you offer a session.

Safety can be suggested through the music used, the essential oils offered, and having enough blankets and pillows on the table.  Think cocoon here.

Our skin is very emotional as well as spiritual.  Therefore, it reacts to everything that happens to us.  Rashes, in particular are emotional reactions to life events.  A good example of this is hives.  A person suffering with hives  may be experiencing fear, irritation, feeling overwhelmed, deep anger.

There will be more posts in the future about different issues which manifest themselves through the skin.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco