Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Poor Sleep Can Wreck Your Quality of Life

If you let it,  POOR SLEEP   will  leave  you feeling tired, confused, and depressed.

Sleep can have many causes.  And, that’s one of the reasons we struggle with it.   In  past blog posts, I’ve written many articles about sleep and here is yet another one.  And, there will probably be many more.

However, this article is  different from all the rest.    In this article, you will learn POOR SLEEP HAS MANY CAUSES.  Investigate every one that applies to your situation.

Poor sleep causes fall in several categories.

To begin with, COFFEE, CIGARETTES, AND DIET PILLS  are in their own little but potent category.

Is caffeine part of your poor sleep problem?  Remember,  it is found in many things beyond just the cup of coffee you have in the morning.  Try to find them all and banish them from your daily life.

Are your days spent in rooms with DIM LIGHTING?  Poor sleep can be the result of this environment.  What can you do to remedy this situation?  Getting just twenty to thirty minutes of sunlight each day can make a difference.

Do you get enough exercise?  MOVING YOUR MUSCLES IS ESSENTIAL  to overcoming poor sleep. It comes down to this:  You have to move enough to get to sleep at the end of your day.  Exercise.  Exercise.  Exercise.

Do you have one or more HEALTH ISSUES that promote poor sleep patterns?  Some diseases make it hard to get to sleep.  Others make consistent sleep throughout the night difficult.  If sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and sinus problems interfere with a good night’s sleep, get treatment for them.  The message here is this:  Don’t let a medical condition cause your poor sleep.

Finally, we come to SLEEPING PILLS.  For me, they are an absolute last resort.  Sleeping pills come after you have done everything you possibly can to overcome poor sleep.

Why?  Some of these pills create their own problems.

Several herbal remedies and supplements are on the market to combat your poor sleep.  Two that come to mind are Melatonin and Valerian.

We don’t really know whether either one of them works because the studies have been sparse and contradictory.  The  preparations and dosages are varied so that it’s complicated to know  how much and when to take either Melatonin or Valerian.

It’s best to take any sleeping preparations under the direction of a professional who knows about the products you are taking.  That way, you won’t be wasting your money and you won’t be overdosing.

The BOTTOM LINE here is to encourage you to chase down each and every cause of poor sleep that you can.  Deal with each and every cause in your search for blessed sleep.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco






10 Ways to Cope with Stress

Everyone I know and meet is stressed out these days.  Many are ill.  Flu.  Heart Issues.  Rashes.  Arthritis.  You name it.  Coping with current events can be challenging for all of us.

There are things that you can do to cope with the situation.

BOOK A REFLEXOLOGY, REIKI, OR CHAKRA HEALING SESSION.   It may be that just one session is all you need to feel more relaxed, grounded.  Or, it may be that one session  won’t heal everything but one session is better than nothing.  And, maybe you can find time in your schedule to book several bodywork healing sessions.

TAKE A NAP.  I work.  I know how hard this can be but I manage to schedule my naps for a few short minutes when I get home from work.  These little power naps are crucial to my overall wellbeing.    I also try to schedule a nap on my  day off.    Put your feet up for five minutes even.  It will help.

SPEND SOME TIME WITH FRIENDS.   Your connection to your community is a boost to your grounding and calm.  Chatting with friends and acquaintances over a cup or tea or at a meeting of some kind can be very positive.  This will give your mental health a boost.

DO YOU MEDITATE?  If not, now is a good time to begin.  I just read in a book that people who meditate live three years longer than those who don’t.  If you do, now is a good time to pat yourself on the back.  You’ve got a good habit.   If you don’t meditate, now is a good time to begin the practice.  This might be a good time to join a meditation group or class.

DEVELOP A NEW INTEREST.   The opportunities to expand your horizon are limitless.  Not all hobbies are expensive.  Many are not costly at all.  The important thing is that you find something new to do which you like.   Your options are endless here.

CHANGE YOUR DIET!   When you add new foods to your life,   you’ll be on an adventure. Choose a new food each week.  Bring it home and  discover where the food comes from, how it’s cooked, stored, and eaten.   You’ll enjoy  these discoveries each week.  This change will help you feel more alive, and energized.  At the end of a year, your kitchen will be an entirely different place with all the new foods you’ll be eating.  You’ll know and enjoy many new foods!  Chances are, you will be more energized and happier overall.

DISCOVER SOMETHING EACH DAY THAT YOU CAN BE GRATEFUL FOR.   It doesn’t have to be a big thing.  But, finding something to be thankful for is important.  Try to do this early in your day so you can enjoy this feeling all day long.

USE A DAILY PLANNER.  This one small change in your life can give you a large shift as you relieve the stress caused by missed appointments and unscheduled events.  Finally having your life schedule organized  is a major stress reliever for many.

HONOR YOURSELF.  We all experience setbacks of one kind or another.  The important thing is to not allow them to control your life.  Take a negative event and turn it into a strength-building exercise.  This will help you  overcome feelings of stress and negativity.

Thank you for reading this blog post!  Please forward this article to your preferred social media network.

Thank you again for your interest in wellness for all.

Thurman Greco

Alzheimer’s Disease: This Spiritual Disease is in Your Life Years Before You Know it.

Spiritually, you are overwhelmed with your life’s path  and want to run away to another time.  You do not want to live your life the way it is now because you lost your sense of belonging.  With memory loss, you escaped your roots, your place in your society, and your heritage.

I read somewhere that from one third to one half of people over eighty suffer with this dread disease.  I believe these numbers may be overstated.  Health professionals write about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with much less certainty than they give their words to heart disease and diabetes.

My experience with Alzheimer’s Disease insists that I share this:  much that is written may not apply to your loved one’s situation, no matter the circumstances.

Professionals believe Alzheimer’s has genetic, lifestyle, and environmental causes.  Alzheimer’s develops slowly, over time.  The same things that put you at risk for heart disease also put you at risk for this disease:  sedentary lifestyle, smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol scores.

Alzheimer’s patients have trouble thinking, speaking, reasoning, and writing.  The personality changes over time.   Disorientation is common and personality changes are to be expected.  One early warning behavior includes asking the same question over and over and over.  A second behavior is forgetting to do familiar things.  Finally, misplacing things and finding them in unusual places is a red flag.

Do you practice Reiki therapy, reflexology, or chakra healing?  Offering sessions of these modalities can be one of the most significant things you will ever do for an Alzheimer’s patient.  Your sessions are a way to spiritually communicate and connect with a person when words no longer work.

Are you a Reiki Master Teacher?  Teaching Reiki to a caregiver can be an important gift for both the caregiver and patient.  Other people living in the household can be attuned to Reiki.  This includes the pets and children.

Alzheimer’s Disease is a thief of a disease.  For starters, Alzheimer’s steals your brain.  Then, it steals your body.  Finally, it steals every penny in your bank and savings accounts.


Alzheimer’s is a seventh chakra imbalance.


Begin with Conventional medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, and Herbalism.  Supplement your allopathic medicine with complementary and alternative medicine techniques wherever possible.

Alzheimer’s Disease  responds well to complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine techniques.  For now, no treatment can stop the disease.  The goal is to slow symptoms and offer whatever relief you can.


endocrine system, skeletal system, lymphatics, intestinal system, liver, solar plexus


cedarwood, eucalyptus, frankincense, German chamomile, ginger, myrrh, nutmeg, patchouli, sandalwood, spikenard.


Regular exercise along with reflexology will improve your mood and maintain your health.  You’ll sleep better and have fewer constipation problems.

Good nutrition is important.

A calm and stable environment helps.

Keep your schedule regulated.


Anger, confusion, depression, fear, frustration, and fear are common.  Anxiety is experienced when noise, being rushed, complicated tasks, or crowds happen.


Mentally and socially stimulating activities can reduce your risk.  Preventive steps include keeping physically and mentally active.

One of the most important things you can do is keep your heart strong.  That means you should keep your blood pressure levels normal.  Keep your cholesterol numbers, your weight, and type 2 diabetes numbers in the normal range.

Physical fitness can’t be over emphasized.  Take a weekly exercise class.  Power walking, swimming, running, regular gym workouts help.

Keep your job as long as you can.  If you’re tired of the job you have, get another one.  Whatever you do, never quit working.

Keep yourself socially connected to your community.  A rich social life is important.  Don’t let yourself be lonely.

Take continuing education classes.  Learn crochet, carpentry, knitting, musical instruments, paintings, reading, sculpture, quilting.  Challenge your mind.

Regular massage, reflexology, Reiki therapy sessions are beneficial.  Surf the internet.  Get organized.  Care for others.

A good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do to keep Alzheimer’s out of your life.

Don’t let yourself get depressed.

A hint:  Do all of these things before you experience symptoms.  You are fighting Alzheimer’s for years before you have symptoms.


Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, stress


One of the most significant things you will ever do for an Alzheimer’s patient is offer reflexology, Reiki therapy and chakra healing sessions to that patient.  Your sessions are a truly spiritual way to communicate and connect with a person when words no longer work.


Teaching Reiki to a person caring for an Alzheimer’s patient can be an important gift for the caregiver and patient both.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.

Thank you!

Thurman Greco

heart with wings

Risk Factors Don’t Act Alone

Risk factors are behaviors or conditions linked to disease.  They don’t act alone.

They create their synchronicity when they react with one another.  Some diseases, such as cancer, rely on multiple risk factors (age, habits, family history, health conditions, and environment) to manifest as diseases.  Then, again, these same diseases can develop without any known risk factors.

When disease strikes a body without risk factors, the risk factors are energetic instead of physical.  Energetic risk factors include resentment, unprocessed hurt, hatred, grief.

AGE is a risk factor in many health issues.  It’s a risk factor throughout your life.  Heart diseases and strokes take decades to develop, and children’s diseases focus on the youngest as the most vulnerable.  Emergency rooms and physicians’ waiting rooms are populated regularly with infants, children, and seniors.

DIABETES.  When you become diabetic, you are suddenly at the front of the line for a whole selection of diseases:  stroke, heart attack, cataracts, glaucoma, peripheral artery disease, diabetic foot disease, neuropathy.

DNA testing is commonplace for certain types of diseases.  I look forward to the day when people get their DNA tested routinely before the disease becomes dangerous, not after you’ve found it and are receiving drugs and trying to learn what other medical procedures are in your future.

FAMILY HISTORY OF A PARTICULAR DISEASE.  Just because a particular disease is in your family history doesn’t mean you’ll get that disease 100%.  It’s important to know about the disease and it’s important to use the knowledge to fight it.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE is both a treatable disease and a silent killer.  No one should have to deal with the complications of high blood pressure.  The medication is not expensive.  High blood pressure needs treatment because it becomes a silent killer when left untreated.  Because there are few symptoms people resist the lifesaving medication.

HIGH CHOLESTEROL  is truly a silent killer.  Your body works much better when there are healthy numbers to work with.  Taking your cholesterol medication can be an easy decision if you examine the statistics.  People live longer with statins.

OBESITY is an epidemic in our country right now.  How does this happen?

First, people don’t move enough to process the calories consumed.  Secondly, people are now eating a lot of chemicals manufactured for human consumptions.  These eating products are manufactured to eat but they are not food.  Our foods are not able to properly digest these chemical-laden products.

SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE  When I walk down the street on a sidewalk, I notice those around me walking.  Some move rapidly, with purpose, easily.  Others move slowly, with or without purpose, painfully.

I always want to ask them whether they liked moving when they were young.  Some people are totally in their bodies and move easily through life.  Others are not and don’t move easily.  In the final analysis, I ask myself how can I convince a person who doesn’t like to move to walk or run or play a game of some kind.  How can I help them see their bodies in the future?  How can I help them see how much easier it is when they keep their bodies from rusting?

SMOKING is a set-up for an unhealthy end of life.  When I see a person suffering from COPD trying to breathe, I always wonder whether or not they think smoking was the right thing to do.  But, then, I’m sure when a person begins to smoke, COPD is never on anyone’s mind.

Thanks for reading this blog post.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.

Thanks again.

Thurman Greco

Healthy Blood Pressure – 6 Things You Can Do.

We all have a blood pressure.  We don’t see it.  We don’t  feel it.  Unless someone checks our blood pressure, we don’t  know we have it.  And, unless someone tells us our blood pressure is bad, we don’t even think about it.

That makes high blood pressure a quiet killer.  While we go about our lives unaware of the situation, hypertension damages our blood vessels, heart, and eyes.  High blood pressure is a set-up for heart disease, stroke, dementia, and kidney disease.

So, pay attention to your blood pressure.  When your blood pressure is high, your heart is working too much to do its job properly.  This stresses your arteries.

So, what can you do to get your blood pressure down to normal?

For starters, STAMP OUT YOUR CIGARETTES.  Smoking, whether cigarettes or pipes, is not good for your arteries.  When nicotine reaches your blood vessels, they constrict –  which is not good for you.

GET A PET – Statistically, people with pets have healthier blood pressure scores.  So, what is the best pet for you?  I, personally, love dogs and cats.  But you don’t have to get something that barks and meows.  Birds, fish, snakes, even a gold fish  make good pets.   The important thing is to get one that is good for your situation.

DO YOU HAVE A HOBBY? – Find something that you really enjoy and can get interested in.  Drawing, writing, skating, running, walking, and a thousand and one other things can be just what you need to calm your hypertension.

GET RID OF YOUR EXTRA WEIGHT.  –  When you lower your weight you’ll have better blood pressure scores, you will also feel better and look better.    And, this is a segway right into the next suggestion:

NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING – Some foods encourage a good blood pressure score.  Fruits and vegetables are good.  Some people feel oatmeal has magical qualities.  You’ll have better luck with this if you get several  sessions  with a nutritionist whose training aligns with your health needs.

EXERCISE HELPS, TOO!  Yoga is good.  But, so is anything else you do regularly.  This includes almost any physical activity you like.  The important thing is to move.

Not included in this list is pills.  I think they are important and have been taking my blood pressure medication daily for decades.    Just like everyone else I know, I objected to them for a long time.  Once I admitted that I needed them, life became better.  This is a decision for you to make, though.  Everyone I know who takes a hypertension medication, including myself, went through stages of resistance.

After all, it’s hard to face up to needing a medication for the rest of my life.  But, once I matured into this reality, my health improved and my attitude about myself certainly got better, too.

Thanks so much for reading this article.  There are many other posts in this blog which will help you lower your blood pressure.  I hope you get time to check out a few of them.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco





Ten Good Tips!

Can I offer you Ten Good Tips that will improve your life significantly and still be easy to adapt to your lifestyle?

I hope so!  Well, they may not all be super easy to become a part of your life but don’t hit the  escape button yet.  Please just read these Ten Good Tips and see how many of them you already do and how many of them will be easy for you and how many will be a challenge.

I honestly believe this list is going to be easier than you think.  Just, give it a try.


Drink a cup of tea each day and then drink seven more cups of water throughout your day.

Walk 10,000 steps a day.  Actually, this may be a lot easier than you think.  Many people already walk 10,000 steps daily.  If that doesn’t work for you, try to walk for thirty minutes every day.

Can you quit smoking?  Have you already quit smoking?

Every day, sit down and put your feet up.  Get quiet for five minutes.  That’s all.

Reach out to a friend every day.  Just to say “hi” if nothing else.

Enjoy a piece of chocolate every day.

Sleep well.

Eliminate prefabricated foods from your diet.  You know what I mean.  The instant macaroni and cheese that I lovingly call “yellow death” and the canned chili with ingredient words no one can pronounce.   And, don’t forget the peanut butter with an ingredient list that takes up half the label.

Switch over to olive oil based salad dressings to control cholesterol.

Skip sugary soft drinks and bubbly sodas that have sugar substitutes instead of sugar.  Either way, your body won’t miss them.

Add blueberries to your diet to enhance your memory.  I buy frozen wild blueberries in bulk to cut their cost.  Wild ones actually have more nutrients which are found in the skins because wild blueberries are smaller than the farmed ones.  I put them over plain yogurt.  Love it!

I’ve added a couple extra items to the list so you’ll have a choice.

Thank you for reading this article!

Please refer this blog post to your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco

The Second Edition of “A Healer’s Handbook” should be available within about two weeks!  Thanks to every for your support of this book!  Thurman