Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Poor Sleep Can Wreck Your Quality of Life

If you let it,  POOR SLEEP   will  leave  you feeling tired, confused, and depressed.

Sleep can have many causes.  And, that’s one of the reasons we struggle with it.   In  past blog posts, I’ve written many articles about sleep and here is yet another one.  And, there will probably be many more.

However, this article is  different from all the rest.    In this article, you will learn POOR SLEEP HAS MANY CAUSES.  Investigate every one that applies to your situation.

Poor sleep causes fall in several categories.

To begin with, COFFEE, CIGARETTES, AND DIET PILLS  are in their own little but potent category.

Is caffeine part of your poor sleep problem?  Remember,  it is found in many things beyond just the cup of coffee you have in the morning.  Try to find them all and banish them from your daily life.

Are your days spent in rooms with DIM LIGHTING?  Poor sleep can be the result of this environment.  What can you do to remedy this situation?  Getting just twenty to thirty minutes of sunlight each day can make a difference.

Do you get enough exercise?  MOVING YOUR MUSCLES IS ESSENTIAL  to overcoming poor sleep. It comes down to this:  You have to move enough to get to sleep at the end of your day.  Exercise.  Exercise.  Exercise.

Do you have one or more HEALTH ISSUES that promote poor sleep patterns?  Some diseases make it hard to get to sleep.  Others make consistent sleep throughout the night difficult.  If sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and sinus problems interfere with a good night’s sleep, get treatment for them.  The message here is this:  Don’t let a medical condition cause your poor sleep.

Finally, we come to SLEEPING PILLS.  For me, they are an absolute last resort.  Sleeping pills come after you have done everything you possibly can to overcome poor sleep.

Why?  Some of these pills create their own problems.

Several herbal remedies and supplements are on the market to combat your poor sleep.  Two that come to mind are Melatonin and Valerian.

We don’t really know whether either one of them works because the studies have been sparse and contradictory.  The  preparations and dosages are varied so that it’s complicated to know  how much and when to take either Melatonin or Valerian.

It’s best to take any sleeping preparations under the direction of a professional who knows about the products you are taking.  That way, you won’t be wasting your money and you won’t be overdosing.

The BOTTOM LINE here is to encourage you to chase down each and every cause of poor sleep that you can.  Deal with each and every cause in your search for blessed sleep.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco






Is it a Cold or the Flu?

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I hear this question every year at the beginning of the flu season.  So HOW DO YOU KNOW?  How do you know whether it’s a cold or the flu?

Well, there are some real differences.

Fever is rare with a cold.  Fever is common with the flu.  It’s usually high and lasts 3 to 4 days.

Headaches are rare with cold but common with flu.

Cold sufferers may have slight aches and pains.  Flu sufferers have definite aches and pains which may be severe.

Extreme fatigue and/or weakness is just not a factor with a cold.  With the flu, exhaustion is common…especially at the onset of the illness.

Sore throat, stuffy nose, and sneezing are common with colds.  However, with flu, these symptoms are not important.

Chest discomfort and coughs are mild with colds.  A person suffering with a cold may have mild symptoms to include a hacking cough.  With the flu, these symptoms can become severe.

With colds, treatment includes antihistamines, decongestants.  With the flu, the patient needs to consult with a physician.

Regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions, Reiki therapy, and chakra healing strengthen the immune system, an important tool in fighting both colds and flu.

Prevention is important.  Wash your hands often and stay away from anyone with a cold.  These measures also work with flu but include  an annual flu shot.

Complications to a cold include sinus congestion, ear infection, and asthma.  Complications to the flu can be serious.  They include bronchitis and pneumonia.

Thanks for reading this blog/book.

If you are interested in purchasing my new book “A Healer’s Handbook”  It is out on Amazon now.  After you read it, let me know how it works for you.

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Thurman Greco