Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Is your life overcrowded and cluttered? Add Self-Care!


Do you ever somehow find yourself in a place where you know you need to get back to your basic self.  Things remind you it’s time to return yourself to your heart.

These reminders may include fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, loneliness, burnout, or foggy thinking.

You wake up one day, or a moment in one day, realizing that you are spending 80% of your time scanning, scrolling, downloading, and editing.  And you’re spending only 20% of your time processing all those things you’ve been inputting.

Or maybe you are spending 80% of your time frantically chasing tasks which have no meaning for you but are on the “necessary list” anyway.

Alas, it’s the old 80-20 law at work again.  The essential  processing is getting 20% of your focus and the scanning and scrolling are getting 80%.

There ARE things you can do to help you find your heart.

Try self-care.  Self-care can be magical because it comes from inside yourself where you process important things better.

Suddenly, the 20% takes on renewed color and shape and form as it becomes the center-stage activity it should have been all along.

But, where do you begin?  Begin with intention.  Whatever you choose for your self-care therapy, if you begin with intention, inspiration will follow.

So, how do you start this new project?

Begin with trust.  Trust that your intuition will inspire you to know what is calling you. Your intuition will allow you to try different things and focus on what appeals to you.  Self-care can be many different things.  It can be one thing.

As you begin to explore self-care, allow yourself to respond to what appeals to you.  Let your heart guide you to what you need.

Let’s say that you are attracted to essential oils.  Or, maybe you always wanted to begin a meditation practice.  These two options can be followed one at a time or together.

The important thing is that you listen to what is calling to you.

Whatever self-care tools you explore and use, you  connect to your body to support your spiritual, mental, and emotional self.

One good beginning option is to create a daily movement ritual.  The options are many here:  dance, walking, massage, reflexology, Reiki, exercise, stretches.

When you choose a movement practice, you connect with your body and build a relationship with your power.

This daily movement ritual promotes gratitude.  It builds resilience and inspires your creativity.  You will set your endorphins free!  You will serve those around you better.

You will build a relationship with your power.  Joy and mood stability become part of the package.

But, whatever self-care journey you explore, there is no perfect way to explore the options.  Use what calls to you.  Maybe you seek something which feels comfortable to you.  Whatever calls to you, allow yourself to explore whatever feels natural to you.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please share it with your favorite social media network and forward it to your family and friends.

You can learn more information about self-care from earlier blog posts. She discusses self-care in her three books “A Healer’s Handbook”

You can order copies of her books at

Connect with Thurman at

Thurman discusses self-care techniques with guests on “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” on YOUTUBE




Your Third Chakra – Inner Strength and Wisdom

The solar plexus chakra gets its power from its location.  It is the third chakra in a  line  just above the first and second chakras and is located about 2 inches above your navel.

The location of this chakra is important because this is where the abdominal brain is located.  Your abdominal brain is a communication hub.

If you are dealing with fear, anxiety, or other negativity, take comfort in the knowledge that your solar plexus chakra releases a yellow-gold light.  This power comes to your aid when you feel insulted, cheated, or criticized.

Speak to your solar plexus chakra when you are threaghtened and give it support as it does its work filling you with confidence and respect.

For me, the solar plexus chakra is not quite as heavy as the first chakra but certainly heavier than the heart or throat chakra.

Its distinctive yellow-orange color gives it strength and power.  To become closer to your solar plexus chakra, select a stone and carry it with you for several days.

The choices are many but yellow citrine, yellow amber, yellow jade will get you started.  There are many stones to choose from – just stick with the yellows.  One that attracts me (which is not yellow) is orange tourmaline.

When I was a young woman, I was attracted to a golden topaz.  I know now that it offered me strength which I needed.

Your solar plexus chakra will help you achieve your goals when it aligns with your other chakras.  An aligned solar plexus chakra radiates empowerment, confidence, and ability.

For many people, the solar plexus chakra is the easiest one to connect  because it reveals itself to you more easily than the others.  We can all feel the “butterflies” in our solar plexus chakra.

If you are working on your solar plexus chakra, good times for meditation or essential oil blending include the full moon and the summer solstice.  You can also work with your solar plexus on any sunny day between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm.

To empower your soul, spend a 10-15 minutes  soaking up the rays of the sun.

A fun exercise is to make an asfidity bag focusing on your solar plexus chakra.


The first step to make your bag is to select items to include in it:  a favorite cloth which is about 4″ square, and a couple of stones which have meaning to you.  You’ll need some thread to close the bag up.

Include some favorite herbs.  Good choices for your solar plexus chakra include lemon, mint, turmeric, or any plant which has a special meaning for you.

You may want to include bits of sand, a seashell,  a small photo or other drawing which has meaning for you.  Add anything which you feel is appropriate.  Include things which feel warm, comforting, beautiful.  You may be seeking inspiration and the manifestation of strength and power.

After you make your asfidity bag, wear it around your neck or keep it close to your body for strength and intuition.

You can also keep it on your personal altar.

Moderation in all things is important for a healthy solar plexus chakra.

Are you interested in fitness?  Two things that may appeal to you as you align your solar plexus chakra are yoga and a martial arts practice.

Diseases and health issues involving your solar plexus include diabetes, pancreatitis, ulcers, food disorders, reflux, hypoglycemia, hepatitus, chronic fatigue.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network and share it with your friends and relatives.

Thanks for reading this article.  You can find more information in prior blog posts and in “Healer’s Handbook” – in all three editions.

Books and ebooks can be purchased at

If you have questions, you can reach me at

angel with bird


Healthy Small Steps

There are, literally, thousands of things all of us can do.  It’s the small changes which add up to meaningful  health improvement.  I’m  offering  a group of changes in each blog post which you can choose from.  Choose one new thing each day if you can.

My grandmother used to say to me:  “You take care of the nickels and the dollars will take care of themselves.”  Healthy Small Steps are the same thing.  Add healthy habits or lose unhealthy habits a day at a time to change your life for the better.

Substitute A BOTTLE OF WATER for that daily soda.  Water is cheaper and wonderful for your urinary health.  Don’t like water? Choose tea.  There are many flavors out there without sugar, artificial colors, artificial flavors, in the lineup of ingredients.

Spend five minutes every day STRETCHING.  You can do this while you’re watching TV.   Your joints and muscles will thank you.

Put OLIVE OIL in your salad dressings.  Your food will taste better and your body will be appreciative.  My olive oil is organic and comes from California.  It tastes delicious.  It’s nutritious.  Organic olive oil is a clean food.  My salads are yummy.

Do you eat  cereal?  Sweeten it with CINNAMON instead of sugar.  Your blood sugar levels will improve a bit.

Give yourself a TREAT!  Call a friend to chat.  Buy yourself a flower.  Have a luxurious bath with  scented soap.  These are all simple, inexpensive ways to reduce stress in your life.

Add a POWER NAP to your day.  Spend just a few minutes each day with your feet up, your eyes closed, breathing deeply, relaxing.  The remainder of your day will go easier for you!

Switch to WHOLE GRAINS.  Whole grain breads and cereals taste better and offer better nutrition.  What’s not to love about them?

Sniff a sprig of ROSEMARY.  This will give your brain a treat.  You’ll be more alert and you’ll enjoy the scent.  If you can’t get a sprig of rosemary, try putting a drop of rosemary essential oil on a tissue as a substitute.

QUIT SMOKING.  Okay.  This one may not be so easy, but the benefits are HUGE.  Go for it!

Get a good night’s SLEEP.  Okay, this one may not be so easy, either.  But the benefits are also HUGE.  For starters, schedule enough sleep time in every daily schedule.

Try some of these tips.  Lifestyle changes have multiple health benefits.  I’ll be sending more along in the next blog.

And, thanks for reading this blog post.

BOOK UPDATE:  The second edition of “A Healer’s Handbook” should be out this week!  And, I’ve begun volume 2!

I thank all of you for this.  If no one were reading this book, this blog, there would be no need for a Volume 2.

Please share this article with your preferred social media network.

Thanks again

Thurman Greco


A Healthy Heart

Be Free Heart wings

A healthy heart and circulatory system are necessary to feel and express emotions positively.  When you work the circulatory system, you  distribute love and healing.  This improves your client’s sense of self worth and balances blood flow.  When your client’s sense of self worth improves and when the emotions are expressed positively, life improves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

When I begin to address my client partner’s heart health, the first place I go is to the fourth chakra.  This means that I work the heart chakra on the reflex points on my client partner’s feet.

I also include an essential oil in the reflexology session when I work the heart and circulatory system.  I may choose lavender.  If my client partner needs grounding, I’ll reach for geranium.   You may have other oils in your tool box which will attract you.

If my client is overweight or underweight or if the skin color is not too good, I’ll offer a list of healing foods that are important for heart/circulatory issues.  If I think it’s a good idea, I’ll recommend a visit to a nutritionist.

Heart health issues  often take years to show themselves in the body.  Lifestyle habits contribute.  Heart health issues involve the whole body – the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional layers.  Spiritually, heart issues reflect long standing  wounds, rejection, and self-criticism.

If I have time, I’ll include a guided meditation in the session.  Guided meditations are always good for fourth chakra issues.  My favorite fourth chakra guided meditation invites my client partner to go beyond the curtain to a past life  because heart health baggage is often past life.

This can be a little challenging if your client partner doesn’t believe in past life issues.  When that happens, go to the time right after birth. Some past life issues are still open for you and your client partner in infancy.

Thank you for reading this article.

Please share this post on  your favorite social media outlet.

“A Healers Handbook” is now available as an ebook on Amazon and on Nook.  The


Paper version is on the way!

In the near future I’ll share a guided heart healthy meditation with you and I’ll discuss lifestyle issues  affecting heart health.

Thurman Greco

Reflexology to Boost Your Client Partner’s Heart Health

Angel 1A staple Spa Treatment in your “tool kit” is the heart health  session because   both  life quality and quantity depend on a strong and healthy  heart for oxygen and nutrients.  

Heart disease looms large in health issues.  Heart disease is one of the five biggest killers in our nation.  And, it  doesn’t spring up overnight.  Instead, it lurks silently in the background for years, decades, before it strikes.

Your client partners will understand how important  a Reflexology Heart Health Spa Treatment is.  I recommend regularly scheduled Heart Health Spa Treatments in conjunction with exercise.  Think of this session as a monthly exercise booster.

This Spa Treatment is also good as a special throughout February.  It can also be used as part of the bride’s spa day activity on her wedding day.

As always, have the healing space specially prepared with this session.  Have an essential oil selected.  Recommended essential oils for a Heart Health Spa Treatment include:





ylang ylang

If your client partner is not happy with one of these oils, choose something compatible with his/her personality.  Whichever oil you choose will guide you to the music, the decor.

Have your music selection playing when s/he arrives for the appointment.

Begin this session with a soothing foot bath if you possibly can.  Soak your client partner’s feet in warm essential oil enhanced water for a few minutes before you begin to offer reflexology.

After your client partner spends a few minutes in a relaxing and soothing foot bath, have him/her move to your healing table or chair where you anoint him/her with your selected essential oil and wrap both feet in warmed towels.

Move to your client’s head and bring in Reiki therapy as you  offer three holds to the head.

Now move down to your client partner’s feet where you offer five minutes of warm ups on the first foot.  Using a good lotion which is scented with the chosen essential oil can be important here.

After offering the warm ups, offer five minutes of general reflexology.  Your client partner is now ready to receive the Heart Healthy Reflexology Spa Session.

Work the following reflexes on the first foot for twenty minutes in the following order.

1.  Work the Solar Plexus and the Liver

2.  Work the brain reflex.

3.   Work the lung reflexes.

4.  Work the heart reflex.

5.  Work the adrenal glands.

6.  Return to the solar plexus and liver again.

After working these reflex points for twenty  minutes on the first foot, offer five more minutes of general reflexology on this foot and finish up with five minutes of warm downs.

Now, move to the second food and repeat the process.  This means you’ll offer five minutes of warm ups, five minutes of general reflexology and twenty  minutes working the reflex points on the second foot.

You’ll be working the

solar plexus and liver

brain reflexes

lung reflexes

heart reflexes

adrenal glands

solar plexus and liver

Finally, offer five minutes of general reflexology and then five minutes of warm down.

When this is completed, offer your client partner ten minutes of Reiki therapy on the feet.  Now…seal the Reiki therapy part of the session.

Let your client rest for a moment while you get a bottle of water for him/her.

Spend a few minutes with your client partner while s/he drinks the water and returns to “now”.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

Please share this post with your preferred social media network.

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Thanks again for your patience while I finish the editing part of the book.

Media was created by Jennette Nearhood.

Thurman Greco

A Battle Front Reflexology Spa Treatment to Boost your Client Partner’s Good Health

Angel 1

Now is a good time to offer a Reflexology Spa Treatment to boost your client partner’s good health.   People everywhere are fighting flu, colds, and other maladies as the body offers a battle for good health.  This is also a  time when people focus on the immune system because every pharmacy around has generously sized signs announcing flu shots.

For your client partner concerned about fighting viruses and infections, the Battle for Health Reflexology Spa Treatment is not a luxury.  It’s more in the necessity category.

Begin your battle  plan by selecting the essential oils you’ll use.  My preferred essential oils for this Spa Treatment are:








Your oil selection will guide you to which music to use and what decor to adopt.

My favorite oil in this selection is peppermint.  But, since not everyone likes peppermint (or you may prefer another oil), select the oil based on your discussion with your client partner as you book the appointment.

Whichever oil you choose may inspire you to select a specific CD.  If not, be guided by the reflex points you’ll be working in this session.  You’re going to stimulate your client partner’s body to fight disease so being “battle ready” may be important.

When I offer a Battle for Health Spa Treatment, I’m motivated to offer peppermint oil and have a few peppermint plants in pots in the healing space.  You may be motivated to do something completely different.  There are no “wrongs” here.

Have your music section playing when your client partner enters your space.

You may want to wash your client partner’s feet as the first step in this session.  Warm some moist cloths in the microwave and gently clean your client partner’s feet.

When your client partner is comfortably situated face up on your table or in your reflexology chair, anoint your him/her  with the selected oil.  Put a few drops of the  essential oil in the palms.   Have him/her rub the palms together and hold them over the face and take a few deep breaths.  Then have your client partner rub the hands over his/her face and head.

Now, seat yourself at your client partner’s head. .  Bring in the Reiki and offer three Reiki holds to the head.

Now, move down to your client partner’s feet.  When you offer reflexology to the feet, you’ll add some  carrier oil to the essential oil and use this blend throughout the  session.  You may be able to find a commercial lotion in the right blend which you like.

Selecting the first foot, offer five minutes of delicious warm ups.  Follow this with five minutes of general reflexology to your client’s foot.

You now have your client partner’s first foot prepared and ready to receive the Spa Session on this foot.  In this part of the session, you’ll stimulate the glandular parts of the body as you work the reflex areas listed below.  You’ll encourage your client partner to fight disease.

Work the following reflexes for twenty minutes on  the first foot.  Offer this section in the following order.

1.  Work the solar plexus to relax the body and establish a good breathing pattern.

2.  Work the spleen reflex to stimulate it to perform its immune functions.

3.  Work the liver reflex to filter wastes as it cleans the body of toxins.

4.  Work the kidney reflex to stimulate blood cleansing.

5.  Work the intestinal reflexes to move toxins out of the body.

6.  Work the lymphatic system reflexes to build a defense system against illness

6.  Repeat the work on the solar plexus to finish the immune system path.

After spending  fifteen minutes working the above listed reflexes, spend five minutes offering general reflexology.  Finish the work on the first foot with five more minutes of warm downs.

Now, move to the second foot and repeat the process.  This means you’ll offer five minutes of warm ups, five minutes of general reflexology, fifteen minutes working the  reflexes in the following pattern:

solar plexus





lymphatic system

solar plexus

Finally, offer five minutes of general reflexology and then five minutes of warm downs.

When this is completed, offer your client ten minutes of Reiki theraapy on the feet.  It is now time to seal the Reiki therapy part of the spa session.

Let your client rest for a moment while you get a bottle of water or a cup of herbal tea for him/her.

Spend a couple of minutes with your client while s/he drinks the water and returns to “now”.

Thanks for reading this blog.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Don’t forget to join the email list.

Thurman Greco

Jennette Nearhood donated the art work for this article.





A Reflexology Spa Treatment to Renew Your Client Partner

Angel 1

Our bodies  are constantly discarding and regrowing  new cells.   Scientists tell us  we create a new body every seven years.  How this happens is pretty much shrouded in mystery but the endocrine system is the hub of this process.

Glands making up the endocrine system regulate  this renewal  as they control the growth and development of the body.    One  important thing our endocrine system does is boost the body’s ability to resist disease and fight infections.

A Renewal  Spa Treatment is not a luxury.  It’s a necessity for the client partner who wants to be as healthy and alert as possible.

Begin this session plan by selecting the essential oil you’ll use.  My preferred essential oils for a spa session encouraging renewal are:


Idaho balsam fir




Roman chamomile

Once you select the oil, you’ll be guided to the music, the decor.

My favorite oil  is lavender.  However, some people don’t like lavender so it helps to move on to something else if your client partner resists.

So, when you book the appointment you need to find out if your client dislikes lavender.  If so, you have other oils to choose from.  But, settle this when you book the appointment so you’ll know how to coordinate  the decor…music…

After you choose the oil, it’s time to choose the music.  When my client partner is open to lavender, lemon, or Roman chamomile, I choose one of two CD’s I’ve had for years:

“Shamanic Dream” by Anugama


“Spiritual, Spiritual” by B Tribe.

If you don’t have either of these CD’s, you probably have  something in your collection which will work. Whatever you choose,  select music  which is powerful and healing.  You’re working with your client partner’s endocrine system here…a very spiritual part of his/her being.

Decor for this Spa Treatment may not take much work.  You may not have to do much beyond taking away some clutter and adding a ceremonial throw for the table or chair.

Have your selection playing when you your client partner enters your healing space.

Offer your client partner a luscious water feature to begin this Spa Treatment.  I suggest either a foot bath or simply washing the feet with wet terry cloth cloths that have been warmed in the microwave  for a few moments.

If you go for a foot bath, think about a generous bucket or plastic water container filled with about four inches of warm water with a few colorful stones in the bottom.  Let your client partner sit with the feet soaking in this essential oil scented water for 2-3 minutes before drying the feet.  Then  have him/her get on your healing table or reflexology chair.

When your client partner is comfortably situated face up on the table or in your  reflexology chair,  wrap the feet in warmed towels.

Begin by anointing your client partner with your selected oil.   Put a few drops of essential oil in your client partner’s hands.  Have him/her rub the palms together and hold them over the face and take a deep breath.  Then, have your client partner rub the hands over his/her face,,  head, and halo.

When you offer reflexology to the feet,  add a bit  of carrier oil to the essential oil and use this blend throughout the reflexology session.  If you are using lavender or lemon, you may be able to find a commercial lotion which you like.

Move to your client partner’s head and bring  in  Reiki and offer three  Reiki holds to the head.

Now, move  down to your client partner’s feet.

Selecting the first foot, offer five minutes of delicious warm ups.  Then offer five more minutes of general reflexology to your client partner’s foot.

Now, you have your client partner’s first foot prepared and ready to receive the Renewal  Session on this foot.  In this part of the session, you’ll stimulate the glandular parts of the body as you work the reflex areas listed below.  You’ll encourage your client partner to heal, and rebuild.

Work the following reflexes for twenty minutes on the first foot in the following order:

1.  Work the solar plexus to relax the body even more.

2.  Work the pituitary gland because this is the gland which regulates everything.

3.  Work the thyroid  and parathyroid to balance the body’s metabolic rate.

4.  Work the liver to enhance the immune system and remove wastes.

5.  Work the adrenal gland to offer energy to the body.

6.  Work the reproductive glands (ovaries/testicles) to balance this system.

Finally, work the solar plexus again to finish the rejuvenation path.

When you have worked these glands for twenty  minutes on the first foot, spend five more minutes offering general reflexology.  Then, finish up the first foot with five more minutes of warm downs.

Now, move to the second foot and repeat the process.  This means you’ll offer five minutes of warm ups, five minutes of general reflexology and then you’ll spend the next twenty minutes working the body’s glands in the following pattern:

solar plexus

pituitary gland

thyroid and parathyroid


adrenal gland

reproductive glands

solar plexus

Finally, offer five minutes of general reflexology and then five minutes of warm downs.

When this is completed, offer your client ten minutes of Reiki therapy on the feet.

It is now time to  seal the Reiki therapy part of the Spa Session.

Let your client rest for a moment while you get a bottle of water for him/her.

Spend a couple of minutes with your client while s/he drinks the water and returns to “now”.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

Please share this article with your preferred social media network.  You may also want to share this article with your fellow professional reflexologists.

It is my sincere hope that you are able to use this article in your healing practice.

Don’t forget to join the email list.

Thurman Greco

Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood.

Spa Treatments for Your Reflexology Practice


Angel 1Everyone needs pampering.  Never miss an opportunity to lavish attention and special healing on your clients.  Birthdays, anniversaries, the arrival of Spring.  This blog post begins  a  series of articles  offering  ways to pamper and heal your client partners.

These spa treatments will  not only offer attention, healing, and variety to your practice.  They can also  bring in new clients if you market gift certificates as well.

They will also offer a new service to your clients.

Spa treatments have four elements:

1.  ENVIRONMENT – It’s important to change the healing space environment in some way so that clients will feel like they are in a different energy environment.  This can be as simple as adding a small arrangement of fresh flowers or a ceremonial throw for your healing table or chair.  Or, it can be as elaborate as painting the walls, adding special furniture and  accents.

2.  WATER – is a  basic element in spa treatments.  This is easier than you might think.  A foot bath is all that’s necessary.  If that doesn’t   resonate with you, a couple of small towels, wrung out with scented water and heated in the microwave for a couple of moments can offer warmth and caring to a special client partner’s feet.   A cup of tea at the end of the session or a glass of sparkling mineral water is always popular.

3.  MUSIC – Coordinate the music with the theme with the session focus with the essential oils.

4.  ESSENTIAL OILS –  Select oils which support the session.

When you decide to expand your healing services to include spa treatments, you’re going to need several things:

1.  You  need a plan.  Depending upon your situation, you can offer spa treatments one week a month and transform the whole place or a short period of time.  Another option is to have a periodic spa day at your healing space.  A final option is to offer a menu of spa sessions which can be incorporated into your day at your client partner’s request.

2.  Design each spa session with a focused theme.

3.  After each of these sessions, remember to add a few extra minutes for your client partner to return to “now”.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.  The next several  posts will feature spa reflexology sessions incorporating Reiki therapy, music, essential oils, water treatments.  Each one will be different.  Hopefully  these suggestions will inspire you to create your own unique spa sessions.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

Please share this article with your preferred social media network.  Share this with your practitioner friends also.

Don’t forget to join the email list.

Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood.


Thurman Greco



Mental Fatigue – Do you need a fogbuster?


Mental Fatigue…ahhhhh.  All of us suffer with this occasionally.

Fatigue, whether it be mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual, can be a strong indication of illness.  So, if your brain is tired more often than you want, you won’t  be playing hypochondriac if you schedule an appointment with your professional healthcare provider.

Many diseases list fatigue as the first symptom.  Popular among those diseases is adrenal imbalance



poor thyroid function

It can also just mean that we’re a little overdrawn in the energy department.  I occasionally wake up feeling less mentally sharp than I want.  When that happens, I reach for an essential oil.  Popular essential oil fatigue busters include:


Black Pepper


Idaho Balsam Fir







Each of these oils will “do the trick”.  Place 4-6 drops  of whichever oil you have on hand  and/or prefer.  Rub the palms of your hands together.  Cup your nose and mouth with your oil-soaked hands and take several deep breaths.  You should notice a difference.

When an essential oil fragrance is inhaled,  the odor molecules travel up the nose and end up finally connecting to the brain.  The result is that the connection affects the

heart rate

blood pressure



stress levels

hormone balance.

The scent of the essential oil can bring up memories and emotions not only in this life but, I believe, in past lives as well.  This offers a powerful form of therapy which, when combined with reflexology, promotes homeostasis.

Combining reflexology and essential oils can be beneficial to your client partners.  If your client does not notice a fairly quick feeling of energy returning to the body, it’s time to refer him/her to a physician.

Photography by Renee Ruwe.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Don’t forget to join the email list.

Thurman Greco


Sleep…Blessed Sleep


People seek out reflexologists when  they have sleep issues.    And, visiting  a reflexologist regularly  to encourage quality sleep is a good thing to do.  Very few people receiving regular Reflexology for the Spirit  sessions have problems sleeping.

Regular sessions encourage homeostasis.  It’s  impossible to achieve homeostasis and have sleep issues at the same time.

Your body systems know immediately if you are sleeping properly.    This is the rule:

The better you sleep, the better your immune system functions.

Your immune system needs to be calm and relaxed  to function  properly.  This won’t  happen if you’re not sleeping properly.  Your immune system needs your body to receive not only enough sleep but the quality must be good as well.

Your body repairs itself as you sleep.  Your immune system maintains itself.     In order for this to happen,  stress levels must be turned down.  This happens during sleep.

Except when it doesn’t.  There are sleep situations where the stress levels are not diminished.  Examples include insomnia and sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder.   One symptom of sleep apnea is snoring.  Snoring can, in some instances, be dangerous because if it is untreated, it can activate the immune system.

Insomnia is also a threat to a healthy immune system.  Insomnia has several different causes.  Insomnia is created when people burn the candle at both ends.  Anxiety and/or depression also cause mood disorders in addition to insomnia.

Good quality sleep:

promotes a healthy immune system.

encourages overall good health.

helps slow down aging.

People sleeping well also look better.  Several  things  can be done to promote healthy sleep habits:

Establish a bedtime and stick to it.  Go to bed at the same time every night.

Create a peaceful sleep environment without






Make sure your bed has a

restful mattress

soft sheets

cozy blankets

comfortable pillows.

Establish  a sleep ritual which prepares your body, your brain, and your immune system for a good night’s sleep.  Adopt  sleep-encouraging techniques such as meditation or self Reiki therapy.

If you have a partner, taking a few reflexology lessons can be a real boost to healthy sleep for you both.  You can then offer a reflexology exchange in the evenings before you sleep.

Self Reiki is a wonderful sleeping potion.  Easy to learn and use, it  encourages sleep.

Use essential oils to encourage sleep.  Put a few drops of a favorite oil on a tissue and place it inside your pillowcase or in a pocket.

And, finally, don’t become obsessive about sleep.  Sleep will come.  You can learn to sleep.

Lotus Heart Healing with Tom Rigler


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Thurman Greco

Renee Ruwe offered the photo used into today’s post.