Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Ear Infections are Spiritual Events

Spiritually, ear infections represent your need to not hear.  Ear infections surface where there is anger.  What is happening is that what you hear is getting to you.  What you hear is making you angry.

Bacteria, fungi, and viruses cause ear infection.  They can be excruciatingly painful.  Get medical help if your earache causes a fever and if there is a discharge.  Start treatment you experience pain in your ear.  Your goal is to ease any pain and clear up the infection.

Colds, sinus infections, and throat infections block the eustacian tuber which enable middle ear infections which can be painful.  You may feel dizzy.  You may have a discharge from your ear.  You may have a temperature.  Your glands and tonsils may be swollen.

There  are several things you can do to prevent ear infections.  Avoid second hand smoke.  Keep ear wax cleaned out of your ears.  Treat your nasal and sinus allergies and treat infected tonsils and adenoids.

Reflexology, Reiki therapy, and chakra healing sessions offer homeostasis to minimalize inflammation and normalize body systems.  Reiki therapy help with pain management and nausea.  Chakra healing is grounding.


Ear infections are a sixth chakra imbalance.


digestive system, sense organ systems, immune system, lymphatic system, liver, solar plexus, spleen


eucalyptus, helichrysum, lavender, myrrh, oregano, rosemary, tea tree, thyme


Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism


Allergy injections can reduce the number of ear infections.    In some cases, ear tube surgery helps.  Don’t smoke around people with ear infections.  Vaccinate you and your family members against the flu.


Am I listening to my inner voice?  Do I hear what others say?  Can I discover what is so difficult for me?

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Thurman Greco

Ear Disorders are Both Physical and Spiritual

Physically, ears have many disorders.
Outer ears have infections, cuts, burns, frostbite, ruptured eardrums.
Middle ear problems go with upper respiratory infections. Young children suffer with ear infections. Some of these infections are connected with respiratory-tract infections as well as infections resulting from water or other foreigh substances entering the outer ear.
Inner ears suffer with allergies, infections, reactions to medications.
Spiritually, people have health issues with the ears when a person has difficulty coping with what s/he is hearing. Our ears help us maintain our balance. Listening is very challenging if the subject matter causes pain or discomfort.
At times, it is difficult to hear one’s inner voice. Listening to one’s inner voice may, at times, be more difficult than listening to someone else’s voice.
When offering Reflexology for the Spirit sessions to a person with ear disorders, it’s the goal to offer the client partner an opportunity to experience grounded listening.
Begin the session by working the sense organs focusing on the ear reflexes. Focus on the spleen and liver reflexes. Move to the lymphatic system, and finish the session with a focus on the solar plexus.
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Peace and food for all
Thurman Greco