Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Healer’s Handbook – Wellness for All

This book is filled with all the wellness information I would have loved to have had when I was a young mother with two active, curious children.

I would love to have shared this information with my two daughters when they started their families.  Time turned this book into a resource for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to use as they go through life.

This book is your ticket to your healing adventures.  After all, wherever you go, if you are healing yourself or caring for someone else, you are on a journey.

The information took me decades to discover and organize.  I’ve presented it in practical and uncomplicated ways so you can use it in today’s hectic world.

This healing information has stood the test of time.  Medical training isn’t necessary to read and understand the words on these pages.

Information in this book does not diagnose or treat a disease.  I do not prescribe medications or treatments of any kind.  “A Healer’s Handbook – Wellness for All” is not a substitute for an X-ray or MRI.

This book adds a spiritual layer of personal care to every situation in your healing life.  The goal is to enlighten and empower you with information and  insight you can use on your healing journey.

If I’m successful, you will read things and then discuss them with your healthcare provider, your family, and other persons of importance in your life.

I hope you’ll see how  these suggestions and this information fit into your core values.

For thousands of years, reflexologists (for example) have successfully treated these health issues from common ailments to complex diseases. Because I’m a reflexologist, you’ll find references to this modality on many pages.

That doesn’t mean you need to be a reflexologist to use this knowledge.

It’s there to adapt to to your needs.  If you know nothing about reflexology, you can still benefit from its philosophy about health and healing.

Reflexology teaches:  Your body is different every day.

My healing practice teaches:  You are not just a physical body.  Your components are made up of physical, mental, emotional, and spirital aspects.

Your health changes continually.

If you are twenty years old, the information you read in this book will interest you in one way.

After fifty years, you’ll be focused on your health in different ways.

Children in your life will point you in yet another direction.

Use the information you find on these pages to see your health and its maintenance through the added dimension of a spiritual event or situation.  Doing this, you will enhance your well-being.

Part 1 of this book focuses on your health, healing, and wellness.  Good habits can be tough to start.  Most of us don’t pay attention to what we should be doing until its obvious.

This book gives you a boost to care for yourself and those important to you before problems develop or get serious.  The first part of this book answers and explains many questions.

You may find several listings repeated in many places.  Their impact has multiple implications.

Part 2 focuses on the spirituality of your body systems.  It’s much easier to care for yourself or someone else when you know how your body parts interact with one another.

Essential Foods are listed in each body system they support.

Personal care information is included.

Part 3 is your toolbox.  Information listed here lists ailments and their remedies alphabetically.  Each entry begins with spiritual qualities unique to the disease you are investigating.

I’ve listed essential oils for easy reference.  Each health issue listed has practical information specific to that disease.

There are no one-size-fits-all solutions in this book.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please post it on your favorite social media network.

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just off the press, this book is available for %15.00 each plus $5. shipping. It is not yet on the website.

To purchase this book, please contact me at and let me know your mailing address so I can ship it out to you.

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Thurman Greco –

Positive Longevity: 10 Tips You Can Use

Positive longevity habits  always help us if we  use them.

GET YOUR SHOTS   – Shots  can be a royal bore but they can save lives and much disease.  These are positive longevity habits. The problem is that we have a tendency to make sure the children and the pets get everything but we skip our own vaccinations.    These things should just be added into our schedules.

Vaccines and booster shots can help us avoid things like whooping cough, shingles, hepatitus.

Some people  are afraid to vaccinate and immunize themselves and their children.  I am not in that camp.

I lived in both Mexico and Venezuela for several years.  I am a great grandparent.  My life experiences have  permitted me to both experience and see other people I know  experience some of the planet’s dread diseases.  I have seen dengue fever first hand.  A friend of mine had  typhoid.  And on and on and on.  I lived through a polio epidemic.  Fortunately, no one in our family was struck.  But still.

There are some diseases I do not want to have.  There are some diseases I do not want anyone I know  to have.

My friend who had typhoid was extremely ill.  When he finally got over the disease, he was a tragedy to behold.  He looked like he was a prison camp survivor.

I have  a  friend  with shingles now.  Shingles  is a terrible disease I definitely never want to experience.

Vaccinations only take a few moments.  They save lives.

Join the prevention club.   Get vaccinated.

SCREENINGS ARE A GOOD WAY TO PREPARE FOR A LONG LIFE – Plan for the screenings now.  Screenings are positive longevity habits in action.  Know what screenings are good in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, …..70’s?  In future posts, I’ll list the screenings  needed by agecategory.  For now, just know that you need to get these screenings periodically.

An easy beginning is an annual trip to your health care provider.

Plan to get your screenings every decade.  They are important longevity goals in action.

TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH  –  If you are interested in a long healthy life, your teeth are important in your life.  Positive longevity habits include attention to every tooth.

When your teeth deteriorate,  so does your life.  Without teeth, there are a lot of foods you cannot eat because you can’t chew them.  This  directly impacts  your health because you won’t be receiving the nutrients you need.  A visit to a dentist at least once a year is important.  Learn to brush your teeth properly.  Learn about which toothpaste is good for you.

DON’T FORGET YOUR FEET – Your feet move you forward in life so they are important too.  For one thing, 25% of the bones in your body are in your feet.   Neglected feet may result in painful bunions,  corns, warts, and other problems which   make walking painful to impossible.  Comfortable, well fitting shoes are important.

Regular foot reflexology sessions promote homeostasis, the balance of all body systems.  If you are interested in feeling your best, include these sessions regularly.

-DIET IS IMPORTANT IF YOU ARE TO LIVE LONG AND WELL – Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.  When you eat lots of veggies and fruits, you can help prevent chronic diseases and…prevent obesity!  Select  as many colors of produce as you can and go for the leafy greens.  These are positive longevity habits in action!

DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE SOAP AND WATER IN BATHROOMS.  Washing your hands five times a day is a good minimum goal.  When  you wash your hands often, you’ll be less likely to catch colds and  other germy diseases.

STRETCH!  Stretching regularly makes sure your daily life is easier as you get in and out of cars, buses, elevators.  Stretching regularly will help prevent falls because you’ll  have better coordination and balance.  Your joints will love you for it.  You’ll love your joints because your life will be easier.

KEEP A TO-DO LIST.  This will make your life easier day after day after day.  Year after year after year.  If you keep postponing your to-do list until you need it, it’ll be much harder to include in your life.

Besides, nobody wants someone to tell you that you need to keep a to-do list because you forgot an appointment and stood up some important friends or co-workers.

DO WHAT THE DOCTOR DAYS  – As we go through life, it’s a given that we’re going to come down with something.  Who knows what?  Diabetes, bifocals, a broken bone, high  blood pressure, whatever.

When the time comes to take medicine, get glasses, exercise regularly, eat properly, it’s important to do what should be done.

Unless you don’t really care whether you live a long, healthy life or not.

GET A DOG!  The happiest people I know are dog owners.  Your pet gives you  unconditioned love, something you can’t get anywhere else.   Dogs also need to be fed at certain times of the day and they need to be walked, communicated with, and enjoyed.  These are all activities that have positive outcomes.  Go for it!

WHAT DOES YOUR GOOD HEALTH MEAN TO YOU?  I hope you’ll take a few moments to define  your health care goals and what you hope to get out of longevity.

This is one of the last posts in the longevity articles.  It is my sincere hope that you found a few things that  resonated for you.  I hope you will be a healthier person because of these posts.  Thank you for reading this blog.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York