Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Walking to Stay Youthful – Longevity Tips You Can Use

Walking is my favorite fitness and longevity activity.  I like it because I can enjoy  it almost anywhere.  I ‘ve adapted my walking  pace to my changing age, abilities, health and  lifestyle.

Walking served me well during my young mother years.   Pushing a stroller was a good excuse to air out the babies and myself.

Later, through my jobs, walking was an important lunchtime activity.  Lunchtime walks gave me energy to make it through the afternoon at a desk.

As a senior, walking  keeps me moving – an extremely important benefit.  As seniors everywhere will tell you, we use it or we lose it.  Walking  keeps me going.

Walking can cost little to nothing.  No fancy memberships are needed.  No expensive outfits are necessary.  It’s adaptable to indoors as well as out.

And, best of all, it doesn’t take special skills, training,  talent, or money.  Walking works for me because  baseball, volleyball, tennis, golf, ballroom dancing, never did.  All walking takes is a little time, enthusiasm,  and interest.

I’m sharing a few tips with you so your walking exercise will be more fun and beneficial.

For starters, a pair of WALKING SHOES and socks will help you move farther and faster with fewer problems.

Dress in layers.  As you walk, you’ll warm up.  Wear COMFORTABLE CLOTHING  in layers so you can stay comfortable and keep from overheating.

Walking doesn’t require a lot of fancy warm ups.  BEGIN EACH WALK SLOWLY, calmly.  Then, if you plan to increase  your pace, you can take a warm up break.

When you walk,  think about your abdominal muscles and your posture.  They    define your WALKING STYLE.  Open shoulders, a straight spine, and stable abdominal muscles will give you strength and confidence to move.

When the time is right on your walk, give yourself a SPEED BURST  of about a minute or so.

Finally, give yourself some LONG, LUSCIOUS STRETCHES  after walking.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network and share it with your friends.

Thanks again

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York





10 Easy Ways to Live a Longer Life

Living a longer life is a commitment to a specific lifestyle which promotes good health. Your first step to living a longer life is making this commitment to long-term good health and longevity.

You begin this path to live a longer life and have long term good health when you realize and understand  you can’t just blame your genes for your health.  Your continued good health depends on developing habits and practicing  useful  things regularly that  support your commitment.

Develop your plan for a longer life now.  Plan how your life will be when you are in your 80’s, 90’s, or even 100.  Will you be alert and active with friends?  Will you be living alone?  Will you be mentally alert?

Imagine yourself as a healthy person living  a longer life.  Focus on this goal.  Be ready to make changes in your lifestyle  to achieve the results you want.

Make regular reflexology sessions a part of your life.

For starters, review  your diet.  Are you consuming generous servings of  vegetables and fruits?  Do you eat lean protein every day?  Do you eat whole grain foods, brown rice, nuts, and legumes?   (I’ll cover the diet portion of  a longevity  lifestyle in future posts.)


Take care to prevent overeating.  If you eat a proper diet in the proper amounts, you should have energy, you will slow the aging process, and you will postpone or prevent chronic diseases.

If you can prevent overeating, your body will be able to handle more types of stress, something that’s important if you are concerned about living a long life.

Develop a daily walking routine.  Walking 10,000 steps each day will increase blood flow to the brain  resulting in an improved memory.  How can you do this?  Walk more.  Walk during your lunch hour.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Make it a goal to get off your seat and on your feet.  Choose volunteer activities which require walking.

Take your vitamins!  But, not just any vitamins.  You don’t want to waste your money on nutrients you don’t need.  Do  some research.  Make your knowledge current before you decide which vitamins to take.  I’ll share more information about minerals and vitamins in future blog posts.  For now, I suggest you look into vitamin D3.  Find out for yourself if  that’s a vitamin you need.    When you take your vitamins, take them with food to promote absorption.

Take an aspirin a day…if your healthcare provider says it’s okay.  I believe  aspirin in moderation on a daily basis can help prevent diseases such as heart attack  and some form of cancer.  But, again, don’t take my word on this.

Hope you are enjoying this new series of posts on longevity!  If so, please share them with your preferred social media network.

Thanks for reading!

Thurman Greco