Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Endometriosis: a Spiritual Disease Focusing on Insecurity

Spiritually, endometriosis is insecurity, disappointment, and frustration.  You are physically rejecting your feminine aspects.  You experience rejection from men when you devalue and deny yourself.

Endometriosis can cause a lot of trouble in your life.  Endometriosis happens when the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside your uterine cavity.  On occasion, it may spread throughout your pelvis.  Endometriosis can be tremendously painful and lead to heavy bleeding.

Endometriosis feels a little like heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual cramps, and it goes along with irritable bowel syndrome.

I believe that endometriosis hides other conditions that have not been noticed.  I feel it covers for hernias, chronic bladder issues, cystitis.  Because of this, I urge you, if you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, to seek out and treat other conditions which contribute to your pelvic discomfort.  Include allergies in this search for hidden causes of abdominal pain.


Endometriosis is a second chakra imbalance


reproductive system, endocrine system, liver, solar plexus, immune system, nervous system, muscular system,


clary sage, fennel, sage


Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism.  Begin your treatment with conventional medicine and supplement allopathic medicine with complementary and alternative medicine techniques where practical.  Integrative medicine is appropriate here.

Visit a physician specialist first.


Increase your consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids.  Adopt a low-glycemic diet.  Eat fiber-rich food to include bran, dry beans, whole grains, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, berries.  Include soy foods in your diet.  Learn Biofeedback techniques.  Get surgery.  Exercise regularly.  Avoid obesity.

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Be well!

Thurman Greco

Acne is a Stressful and Spiritual Disease

Spiritually, you are at risk for acne when you experience excessive, unrelenting stress.  When this kind of stress enters your life, love and accept yourself as a perfect human being.  Build self-confidence, self-esteem, and value.

Extreme stress brings out extreme self-dissatisfaction.  You are under tremendous pressure from a person or situation in your environment.  This pressure never lets up.  Anger is also an issue.  (How can it not be, with intense pressure?)

Acne is a difficult disease.  First, you’ve got stress in your life contributing to the blemishes.  As if the stress isn’t enough, the blemishes are an embarrassment.  Then, acne itself is uncomfortable enough because blemishes can be painful, and especially with deeper inflammation.


Stress, hormone changes, diet, family history of the steroids, climate, cosmetics


Acne is a third chakra imbalance.


Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism.  See a dermatologist if the acne persists.  It’s better to go early in the disease, before the scarring begins.  Scars stay with you for life unless you get treatment to prevent them or you get medical dermabrasion.

Regular visits to a reflexologist, Reiki, and chakra healing calm your emotional upsets, heal your body while promoting homeostasis.  Regular sessions manage the side effects of acne during treatment.  Regular exercise will help you work off some of the stress.   A good skin cleansing program is essential.  Your physician may prescribe antibiotics.


diaphragm, digestive system, endocrine system, face, immune system, intestines, kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, nervous system, solar plexus

Stimulate your lymphatic system regularly to reduce stress and eliminate toxins.


bergamot, cedarwood, clove, geranium, grapefruit, German or Roman chamomile, lavender, oregano, patchouli, rosemary, rosewood, tea tree, vetiver


A good diet which includes plenty of water is important.  Skip the junk food.  Your food should be clean and avoid excessive fat, oil, sugar.

Manage your stress.  This means you need to develop coping skills such as self-Reiki, meditation, tai chi.  Read the chapter on stress.


Almonds, beans, Brazil nuts, cantaloupe, carrots, chicken, eggs, fish, flaxseed oil, fresh fruits, garlic, leafy greens, melons, onions, oranges, oysters, peanuts, poultry, red bell peppers, salmon, sunflower seeds, strawberries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turkey, fresh vegetables, walnuts, whole grains, yams

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angel with bird

Thank you for being interested in wellness.

Thurman Greco

Risk Factors Don’t Act Alone

Risk factors are behaviors or conditions linked to disease.  They don’t act alone.

They create their synchronicity when they react with one another.  Some diseases, such as cancer, rely on multiple risk factors (age, habits, family history, health conditions, and environment) to manifest as diseases.  Then, again, these same diseases can develop without any known risk factors.

When disease strikes a body without risk factors, the risk factors are energetic instead of physical.  Energetic risk factors include resentment, unprocessed hurt, hatred, grief.

AGE is a risk factor in many health issues.  It’s a risk factor throughout your life.  Heart diseases and strokes take decades to develop, and children’s diseases focus on the youngest as the most vulnerable.  Emergency rooms and physicians’ waiting rooms are populated regularly with infants, children, and seniors.

DIABETES.  When you become diabetic, you are suddenly at the front of the line for a whole selection of diseases:  stroke, heart attack, cataracts, glaucoma, peripheral artery disease, diabetic foot disease, neuropathy.

DNA testing is commonplace for certain types of diseases.  I look forward to the day when people get their DNA tested routinely before the disease becomes dangerous, not after you’ve found it and are receiving drugs and trying to learn what other medical procedures are in your future.

FAMILY HISTORY OF A PARTICULAR DISEASE.  Just because a particular disease is in your family history doesn’t mean you’ll get that disease 100%.  It’s important to know about the disease and it’s important to use the knowledge to fight it.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE is both a treatable disease and a silent killer.  No one should have to deal with the complications of high blood pressure.  The medication is not expensive.  High blood pressure needs treatment because it becomes a silent killer when left untreated.  Because there are few symptoms people resist the lifesaving medication.

HIGH CHOLESTEROL  is truly a silent killer.  Your body works much better when there are healthy numbers to work with.  Taking your cholesterol medication can be an easy decision if you examine the statistics.  People live longer with statins.

OBESITY is an epidemic in our country right now.  How does this happen?

First, people don’t move enough to process the calories consumed.  Secondly, people are now eating a lot of chemicals manufactured for human consumptions.  These eating products are manufactured to eat but they are not food.  Our foods are not able to properly digest these chemical-laden products.

SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE  When I walk down the street on a sidewalk, I notice those around me walking.  Some move rapidly, with purpose, easily.  Others move slowly, with or without purpose, painfully.

I always want to ask them whether they liked moving when they were young.  Some people are totally in their bodies and move easily through life.  Others are not and don’t move easily.  In the final analysis, I ask myself how can I convince a person who doesn’t like to move to walk or run or play a game of some kind.  How can I help them see their bodies in the future?  How can I help them see how much easier it is when they keep their bodies from rusting?

SMOKING is a set-up for an unhealthy end of life.  When I see a person suffering from COPD trying to breathe, I always wonder whether or not they think smoking was the right thing to do.  But, then, I’m sure when a person begins to smoke, COPD is never on anyone’s mind.

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Thanks again.

Thurman Greco

What is Healthy?

What is healthy, anyway?  We’re all concerned about our health on some level.  We try to eat better, exercise more, sleep more.  There are many components to good health, but, at it’s basic level, what is healthy, anyway?

For starters, a leaner body is healthy.  But, losing weight and keeping it lost can seem like chasing the Fountain of Youth.

And, of course, there is the old story about Ponce de Leon finding it.  The Fountain of Youth headquarters is in St. Augustine, Florida.  You can go there and visit it in a park setting.  But, you don’t need to travel all the way to St. Augustine  to visit the Fountain of Youth.  Branches are right in your own community, maybe even in your neighborhood.  Every fitness center around is a branch of the fountain of youth.  All you have to do is join up and use a fitness center.   The sidewalk in front of your home or office is also a branch of the fountain of youth.  All you have to do is get out there and walk briskly for thirty minutes or so every day.

Using your fitness center regularly or walking briskly for a half hour each day will decrease your risk of developing diabetes.    This will keep you on the path toward good health.  And, while you exercise to protect yourself against diabetes, skipping sugary soft drinks and juices will help.  And, if you have diabetes, find out from your health care professional how much exercise you need every day to strengthen your body as you work with this disease.

Trips to a fitness center and/or the healthy walks will help you develop a healthier heart and will help you reduce your risk of heart disease.

What is healthy?  Visiting your local fitness center or walking helps you feel, look, and act better.  It will also reduce your cholesterol levels.  Add some dietary tips when you want to be healthy and you’re thinking of cholesterol.  Use olive oil more often when you substitute it for less healthy oils, for example.

A brisk daily walk will strengthen your bones.  You can also garden.  Actually, the more things you can think of that will get you off your seat and on your feet, the better.  And, while you’re getting off your seat, try walking a little faster on the sidewalk and running a little faster on the treadmill.  A more intense workout will help you feel better.

What is healthy?  Lowering your stress level is one way to improve your health.  Hug your pet.  And, if you don’t have a pet, can you hug a neighbor’s pet?  Can you go to your local pound and walk a dog there?  If you go to your pound and walk a dog briskly for a half hour, you’ll be doing two beneficial things at once!

And, what about your memory?  Blueberries help.  So do crosswords, scrabble, your local newspaper.

And, finally, what is healthy?  Connection is healthy.  Humans like to be connected to one another.  This can mean different things to different people.  Taking a class in something will help.  Meeting the other people at the fitness center will strengthen your connection to your community.  There are a million ways to get connected.  A church, synagogue, or temple is there waiting for you.  The important thing is to share yourself.

So, here are a few ways to help you define what is healthy for yourself.  Find something you like and share yourself.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please share it with your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco

The second edition of this book is on the way! Thanks to all of you who are using this book.
