Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

3 Healing Anchors & Spiritual Weight Loss Over the Holidays

Three  healing anchors and spiritual weight loss over the holidays really help the situation.  Really.

Welcome to the holidays – December 2023 edition.  They come around every year.  Are you feeling “burned out” by all the activities, not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you?   

There are things you can do – things we can all do:

We know ahead that the holidays are coming – with all their frustrations, confusions, and time crunches.


Schedule some weekly healing sessions.  If budget is a factor, learn Reiki and exchange sessions with a fellow practitioner. 

I always recommend Reiki therapy and reflexology sessions but there are many different modalities to choose from.  Whatever you choose – go for it.  

You aren’t pampering yourself.  You’ll get through the holidays much better with some healing attention to your inner self.  


Whatever your wake-up activities, your attitude and outlook are the determining factors.  When you go to bed at night, spend a few moments reviewing things  you want to do tomorrow.  Plan at least one positive activity for each morning.

When you wake up the next morning, review all the positive things to do today – for yourself – for those around you.  Plan your successful day when you wake up.  


Take a deep breath.  This will energize and empower you.  Taking a deep breath is taking a short time out.  Deep breathing means you stop, and take a deep breath inhaling from your stomach.  Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.  

When you inhale from your stomach through your nose, your lungs will fill completely with air.  Hold this breath for 1 or 2 seconds and then exhale through your mouth.


If you are alone, go for 10 repetitions.  If you are in a crowd, 1 repetition can do a lot for you.


Spend a few moments each day just letting go of negativity.  What is holding you back?  Let it go.  

When you finally learn to release all these negative and less-than-useful events, thoughts, and habits weigh us down. 

One thing I love to do is “Cut the Cord”.  This is not a new thing and it was not new when I learned it from Helaya Priest. 

This is what Helaya Priest taught me to do:

Pay attention to the negative thoughts, events and habits and how they attach to ourselves.  They attach with energetic cords. Using your hand, slice the cords one-by-one. 

The cut cords can now leave you and your energetic space.   

Now, visualize all those thoughts, events, and habits floating away.

This is a good exercise for anything you are releasing.  You can also send blessings to go along with the things you are getting rid of. 

Now, and this important, take a moment to celebrate.  You are releasing much into the universe.  These things can no longer drag you down.  You are setting yourself free. 

Enjoy the sense of lightness you experience when you release anything that holds you back.

Now, see your way ahead through the holidays. 

Thank you for   taking time out of your day to read this article.   Please forward it to your favorite social media network and to your friends.

My intention is that each article you read can be a conduit for your spiritual growth and healing.

If you want more information, check out my books:

   I discovered Archangel Gabriel just a few years ago, in December right before Christmas.   

.  My Friday show, “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”, on Woodstock’s educational TV channel 23 needed a guest.

Nobody would come on my show that week.  What was I going to do?  In desperation, I decided to read the age-old story of the birth of the baby Jesus.

This need for a guest on my Christmas Week show changed my life.  How?

Well, for sure I had read and heard the story of the birth of the Baby Jesus throughout my life.  As a “cradle Episcopalian” .  It was impossible to avoid.

There’s a difference between hearing the story at a religious Christmas service and reading it for a live audience.

Many questions surfaced that evening.  And, as I sought answers, I found even more questions.

Then, of course, I actually read the story in a different way because I knew I would be reading it for a live TV audience.

The annunciation came alive for me.

Archangel Gabriel walked up to Mary and changed the world.  “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.  You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.”  (Luke 1:30-31).

Then, having changed the future of the world, Archangel Gabriel left her.

Many questions and answers later, the story is now an ebook.  The paper version is on its way now.

This story has many characters beyond Archangel Gabriel, Mary, and Jesus.  The cast includes Joseph, John the Baptist, and others.

I hope you’ve had a chance to visit this YouTube channel.  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions, but not many.

 My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other in Woodstock, NY.

Join us soon!

Let us know how you like the shows!

Self Care for You, Reflexologist – 3

Reflexologists, body workers, healers, whatever the title…we all have days when the clients seem to be lined up outside the door in an unending line.

OR, one client comes in for an appointment and it turns out to be a challenging day.

So, whether it’s one client or ten..days can be challenging.

What is a reflexologist to do?

One thing I do, no matter what,  is take a power break.

A power break  manifests itself in many ways:

  1.  A short meditation of two or three minutes can completely change the energy –  not only in your space, but in you as well.  This meditation can stretch beyond the three minutes if your schedule allows.  Do you have even fifteen minutes?  Go for it!
  2. Take a clean air break and step outside for a moment or two.  Breathe deeply.  Enjoy the day – whatever it is.  It doesn’t really matter whether you step out into the most beautiful day of the year or walk out to greet a major storm.  The important thing is that you have stepped out of your space into the world for a moment.
  3. Find a quiet corner, lay down on the floor and prop your feet up the wall.  This posture, for two minutes can change your energy dramatically.  It can rejuvenate you for the rest of your day.
  4. Walk around your area for a moment and just do nothing.  Walk around aimlessly.    This will allow you to empty your head in a way no other activity can.
  5. Can you nap for two minutes?  I’ve learned to do this and it is very refreshing.  The ideal nap  is fifteen minutes or more but two minutes can go a long way if it’s all you’ve got.
  6. Give yourself a quick Reiki session.  A few  minutes of Reiki therapy will offer much rejuvenation.
  7. Cut the cords.  This is easy, quick, and very effective.  Whenever you meet with another person, no matter how briefly, you connect on spiritual and emotional levels.  When you cut the cords, you sever this connection.  This cutting of the cords is important at least at the end of each day.  Cutting the cords after each appointment is a positive move.  Think of these cords as different colored ribbons attached at each end to you and the other person.  Cutting them will offer a release for you which can be freeing.

Whatever you do,  choose an activity you can rely on for rejuvenation, relaxation, stress release.  Make this power break part of your day, every day.

Thank you for reading this blog post.

Please share this article with your favorite social media network.

Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood.

Book Cover designed by Sangi.

Reflexology blessings to you!

Thurman Greco

Self-Care for you, Reflexologist – 2

Working a full day is challenging.  Only  another body worker or healer knows what a  day full of appointments means to you, the reflexologist –  physically,  spiritually, mentally, emotionally.

There are things you  can do to minimize the fatigue encountered on just such a day.

One thing you can do that will help immensely is  release the  appointment when your client partner’s session comes to an end.

What you want is to release the person, the issues, the intention, the time spent to the universe.

When you do this, do not forget to “cut the cords” between you and the person to emphasize that the session is over.

You have done what you can for this person in the time allotted during the session.  It’s time now for him/her to accept your healing efforts and return to  the  world.

Once you release the person, both the your client partner’s body and  issues are gone from you until the next appointment.

The whole release may not take but a few moments.  A suggestion is that you write a script for release and mentally repeat it as each client partner leaves your table.

If you are a ceremony person, you may write a ceremony of release to practice in your space at the end of each shift.  This ceremony may include essential oils, smudging, prayer, Reiki therapy.

This releasing gesture seems easy enough but many people don’t do it.  This release makes a  difference in your health, your energy, your career.

Whatever you do, it’s important to  release each and every client partner who comes to your table.

Thank you for reading this blog.

Please refer this article to your favorite social media network.

Jennette Nearhood provided the artwork for this blog.

Thurman Greco