Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Spiritually, your back is your support for life.

Spiritually, your back gives you strength.  It honors you.  Your spine contains your central system and your central blood supply.  You register every experience, feeling, impression, and thought in your spine.

Your lower back holds financial support and your core beliefs.

Your middle back supports your move forward in life as you release the past.  Your middle back holds love.

Your upper back deals with your emotional support of others and self.  It deals with guilt, shame, fear, anger, resentment.

Back aches are spiritual events.  What may offer relief for one person may not work for another.  In spite of all the modern, 21st century techniques, cures, and therapies available for back injuries and health injuries, you may respond positively to reflexology, Reiki therapy, and Chakra healing.

Lifestyle changes will help if you discover physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual causes of your discomfort.  When that happens, you can make adjustments to get rid of the pain.  Then, you can figure out what you need to do to keep the pain and discomfort from returning.

These changes may include things like developing a posture encouraging spinal alignment.  You may learn specific exercises offering you relief.

Several times throughout your day, talk to your back.  Is it in pain?  Does stretching help?  Are your shoulders scrunched up against your neck?

As time passes, you’ll find you are learning the language of your spine.  Once you learn this, you can listen to what your spine says to you and follow its instructions.

To avoid back pain, respect your spine and don’t overwork it.  The three basic rules of respect include proper lifting techniques, exercises to build strong back muscles, and proper fitting low heeled shoes.  Following these three guidelines, you’ll prevent accidents and reduce spinal alignment stress.

When you consult with a physician about your back pain, select a person who gives you confidence.  If you seek a massage therapist, acupuncturist, physical therapist, schedule your appointments so they’re 24 to 48 hours of one another to take advantage of synchronicity.

Yoga helps.  I’m fortunate that there are many yoga teachers in my area.  Through the years, I’ve found two teachers who know about spinal health and focus their classes on this specialty.  Carolyn Abedor teaches Iyengar Yoga when she focuses on therapeutic spine health.  Kathy Karey teaches yoga and focuses on repairing injured spines.

Massage and physical therapy are beneficial for chronic pain.  Chiropractors work to improve your condition without adding more strain to the spine.

If you don’t know a yoga teacher, massage therapist, chiropractor or physical therapist, this is a good time to look for one.


Lower back pain focuses on the first chakra.  Middle back issues focus on second and third chakras.  Your upper back deals with fourth and fifth chakras.


nervous system, muscular system, urinary system, skeletal system, sciatic nerve, liver and solar plexus


basil, clove, cypress,  eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, lavender, marjoram, nutmeg, peppermint, ravinsara, Roman chamomile, rosemary, spearmint, thyme, vetiver


Throughout your day, check your posture, your seating positions, and the height and angle of your work surfaces.

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Thurman Greco

9 Important Questions to Ask About Pain


DSCN0210Ubiquitous,  pain.  Everyone suffers with pain occasionally.  Some of us suffer with pain constantly.

Pain comes in many forms:

Pins and needles







Everyone has names for pain.

Reflexologists, whenever a client partner begins to discuss pain with you, ask the following questions:

How long have you had this pain?

If your pain is not constant, does it come and go on a certain or random schedule?

Do particular activities initiate the pain?

What does it feel like?

Does it have a shape?

What does it look like?

What does it sound like?

What does it smell like?

Is there a story connected to this pain?  Do you know it?

Is there a word that will help you heal?

Now, speak to your pain.

Ask your pain if you can work together to heal.

Is there a word to help you heal? Pause a moment to receive this word.

Then, find out what color this word is going to be.  Now, repeat this word several times as you experience the color bringing relaxation to your entire being.

As you experience this, know that relaxation is important to pain because when we relax, we heal.

Often, just going through the above questions offers relief.  Sometimes we have pain which has a past life origin.  These questions can help reveal this situation.  People who have tried everything with no luck are able to have breakthroughs.

But, even if the questions don’t seem to offer immediate insight, they are very powerful and are quite helpful.

Reflexology can be a powerful pain management tool if used in the right way.  In the near future, I’ll be offering a series of posts sharing pain management sessions.

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Media provided by Renee Ruwe

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – 8 Reasons to Call a Professional Healthcare Provider if You Have Back Pain

Not all pack pain problems need immediate medical attention. Many times a Reflexology for the Spirit session can offer relief and/or healing. Massage is helpful also. Sometimes a chiropractor or acupuncturist can offer relief. Because of the spiritual aspect surrounding back issues, time itself can offer healing. Reflexology works well with other modalities. Back discomfort is no exception.
However, it’s nice to know when you need to contact a professional about your discomfort. The following symptoms require attention:
Back pain following an accident or other injury
Constant pain which is not relieved by changing position
Pain that continues when resting, especially at night
Unexplained weight loss
Muscle weakness in arms, hands, legs, or feet
Sciatic pain felt below the level of the knee
Swelling and/or joint pain
Loss of sensation in buttocks/thighs
Urinary retention
Thank you for reading this blog/book. Tomorrow’s post will focus on things you can do to protect your back and have a more comfortable airplane ride.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – Upper, Mid, and Lower Back Issues are Very Common

Back issues have very spiritual components. Persons suffering with back problems often feel overwhelmed and under supported. They carry baggage from the past – not only from events in this lifetime but from events in other lifetimes.
Many, many people have back issues. There is a huge industry surrounding these painful issues. People suffering with bad backs need special beds, chairs, pillows, medication, exercise equipment. We’re talking millions of dollars here.
Backs are divided into three parts: Upper, Mid, and Lower.
With the upper back, the shoulders carry the weight of the world. Upper back problems occur when there is a lack of trust, constant worry, fear, negativity, perfectionism, limitation.
Physically, upper back problems can result from injury, poor posture, muscle strain, pinched nerves.
Middle back issues focus on instability, guilt, sensitivity, criticism, judgment, and inability to forgive others as well as the self.
Physically, middle back issues result from injuries, standing or sitting for long periods, improper lifting.
Lower back issues result from constant worrying about core issues, survival. There is a preoccupation with negativity, long term anger, focusing on why things can’t be done.
Lower back issues result often from improper lifting, tension. Women have lower back problems caused by pregnancy and menstrual problems.
As a reflexology for the spirit practitioner, you can see back issues when your client partner walks into your healing space: What is the gait like? Are the toes pointed outward? Are they pointed inward? What is the situation with the arches? When I meet a person whose feet are pointed outward or inward, I know that I’ll eventually find back issues.
With flat arches, the client-partner is not receiving sufficient support in life. There will eventually be a back issue.
When offering reflexology to a person suffering from back issues, begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes, work the spine reflexes. Work the arm and shoulder reflexes to address upper back and neck issues. Work the kidney reflexes, the hip, thigh, and leg reflexes, and the sciatic nerve reflexes to addresses lower back issues.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology for the Spirit: Backaches are Very Definitely Spiritual Events.

The kind of spiritual event that creates a backache depends on whether the pain is in the lower, middle or upper back.
People with back issues in the lower back are dealing with money and financial issues. They’re also dealing with core beliefs. These sufferers need to work to feel safe, cared for.
Mid-back issues deal with guilt. These mid-back problems focus on the need to leave the past behind. This person is trying to move forward.
Upper back issues deal with things like emotional support, love. The person needs to feel supported and loved.
When we refer to these issues and their physical causes, it’s good to remember that backache can be caused by injury, poor posture, muscle strain, pinched nerves, stress or other conditions.
Middle and lower-back problems result from injury, poor posture, standing or sitting for long periods of time, tension, improper lifting.
WORK THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS WHEN ADDRESSING BACKACHES: Begin with the sciatic nerve reflexes. Work the endocrine system, circulatory system, urinary system, muscular system, skeletal system, liver and solar plexus.
As you offer these sessions, you are encouraging homeostasis, relieving stress and tension. The person on your table also needs to go to a medical health care professional for a diagnosis and possibly treatment. Visits to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, physical therapist can supplement your visits.
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