Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Five Things You Can Do For Your Good Health

Good health is not that hard to achieve.  Really.  When it comes down to a bottom line, five things are essential to establishing and maintaining your good health.


Do you smoke?  Reduce your habit to five cigarettes a day.  When you are  down to five, you can get to zero with little effort.

Join a smokers’ support group.

Hypnotherapy and Biofeedback both offer successful results for many smokers.

The bottom line is this:  Do whatever you have to do to give up this habit.


This is a high priority.  Losing or gaining weight to reach your ideal weight for your good health gets harder with every passing year so the younger you are when you work on your weight, the easier it will be.

Weight Watchers is a good support group.

An interested nutritionist can help you reach your desired goal and include specific foods contributing to your continued good health at the same time.  You’ll get twice the bang for your buck with a nutritionist.

An example of this:  If you need to gain or lose  weight and you have heart health issues, a nutritionist can work on the weight issues along with your heart issues.  I don’t know about you, but I love to be able to do a couple of things together.  I get all involved in the different aspects of synchronicity.


Many wellness gurus teach five servings of fruits and vegetables are a minimum number for a well nourished person to eat daily.  This five serving recommendation is easy for me to pass on.  And, it’s also easy to have fun with.

I like the concept of thinking about which five fruits and vegetables will be on my  plate today.  Planning ahead for each day’s selection gives them focus and importance.

I also like the idea that advance planning gives me a chance to play and experiment a bit.  You can do this too.  It’s easier than you think.  All you have to do is choose one new vegetable or fruit each week.

Take it home and learn what it’s called.  What countries is it commonly grown in?  Learn how to cook it, store it, combine it with other foods, and finally how to eat it.

If you learn about one new fruit or vegetable each week, your dietary skills will be vastly different in a year.  Adventure!


This can be a drudgery or it can be fun.  Your good health options are open here.  Participate in  one or more activities  regularly.  The point is to keep yourself active  daily as you go throughout your life.

You can put in as much time or money as you want here.

You can also combine exercise with other daily habits. I wear an exercise watch which beeps when I’m not moving enough.  It also congratulates me when I’ve gone beyond my daily goal.

I went out and got a second job which requires that I stay off my seat and on my feet.  So, I’m making money while exercising.  I enjoy this a lot.


This can be a biggie.  Stress contributes to many health problems.  Like the sleep suggestion a few pages back, you’ll find a chapter on stress later in this book.  Things like meditation, walks, laughter, sharing, singing, nature bathing, journaling, drawing can help you avoid stress.

Stress relief is important – just as important as your diet and exercise.

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Thurman Greco




Sinusitis – Reflexology for the Spirit Helps

A scourge.  That’s what Sinusitis is.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the sinuses.  It can be caused by allergies, pollutants, temperature extremes, and upper respiratory infections.

Several things can be done to deal with sinusitis.  One of the first things is to try to determine what the underlying causes might be:  allergies, dental infection.

If you know you have a tendency to suffer with sinus infections, try to deal with the allergies, use saline nasal sprays daily, and take natural decongestants and immune-enhancing herbs.

Visiting an otolaryngologist and an allergist helps also.  The main thing is to keep the sinuses as clear as possible and to maintain drainage.  This will encourage homeostasis when the reflexology session is given.

People become susceptible to sinus infections when they experience irritation, fear, anger, frustration.  Sinus infections tend to occur when a  person has a difficult situation in life and doesn’t know how to resolve it.

When offering a Reflexology for the Spirit session to a sinusitis sufferer, begin by working the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary gland and adrenal gland reflexes.  Work the respiratory system with emphasis on the sinus reflexes.  Focus on the lymphatic system reflexes.  End the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

sinuses reflexes.

Asthma – a Very Real Spiritual Disease

Asthma is a condition involving severe breathing difficulty due to allergies, emotional and/or spiritual stress as well as other issues.  Asthma  attacks include shortness of breath, cough, generalized wheezing, and abnormal breathing.

Spiritually, people suffering with asthma seem, to me, to be trying too hard to please others.  When people are trying to be perfect, they sometimes have trouble standing up for themselves and expressing their feelings.  Asthma sufferers often feel controlled, hurt, stuck, and caged.

Asthma is one disease which is rising rapidly in our country.  Many children suffer with asthma.  My opinion is that children suffer with asthma when they are pushed toward independence too soon.  The children may feel insecure.  The relationship to the mother is important here.

As the child grows up, the relationship issues are more often involving the boss in a work relationship.  As an employee, the person has trouble breathing for him/herself.  The person feels helpless and is in a situation where suffocation describes the situation.  And, of course, stressful events just make the asthma worse.

Emotions felt here include a need to express one’s feelings and emotions.  Anger, grief, lost boundaries.

The person suffering with asthma can do several things, the first of which is to have a competent health care professional actively involved in the situation.  Asthma is not a situation where a person self treats.  ACUTE ASTHMA ATTACKS REQUIRE MEDICATION IMMEDIATELY.

A good first step is to identify allergens, and take steps to reduce the allergic threshold.  This means taking allergy shots.  This can save or eliminate much discomfort.

Eating a diet suitable for asthmatics can significantly improve your health.  Generally speaking, a vegan diet is  best for an asthmatic.  This diet eliminates all animal products.  Your positive response to this diet might be slow so plan to eat a vegan diet for several months  before you notice dramatic reduction of asthma symptoms.  Consult with a nutritionist to make sure  you are eating the best foods for you and your condition.

Try to eat pure foods as food additives can contribute to asthma attacks.  Basically, avoid processed foods as much as possible.  Stick with fresh, organic foods whenever possible.

Be sure to get a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids daily.

Vitamin C, Magnesium,  and B6 are also helpful.

Let your nutritionist guide you through the food supplement maze.

Whenever I need supplements, I go to Liz at the Woodstock Apothecary.  She is their staff nutritionist.  Her knowledge and experience have saved me money and improved my health.

When using Reflexology for the Spirit to offer sessions to an asthma sufferer, begin by focusing on the solar plexus and diaphragm.  Then work the endocrine system focusing on the pituitary gland reflexes and then the adrenal gland reflexes.  Work the respiratory system focusing on the lung reflexes.  End the session by working the intestinal reflexes.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



Hay Fever Attacks us Seasonally When Our Defenses are Low

Hay Fever is a seasonal affliction which succeeds in making its sufferers totally miserable.  My mother had several serious diseases in her life.  The one that caused her the most trouble and discomfort was hay fever.

Hay Fever is not contagious.  It is an allergic reaction to airborne substances such as pollen and pollution.  Hay Fever sufferers are always easy to spot because they have watery inflamed eyes, inflamed sinuses, and nasal passages resulting in runny noses.  There’s a lot of itching also.  Sometimes, when life is really bad, they also have a sore throat and irritated bronchial tubes.

Hay Fever sufferers have a tendency to overreact to the symptoms.  The itching can be very irritating.  The runny eyes are very distracting.

Although Hay Fever is seasonal, its sufferers can have attacks whenever there is an intense emotional reaction to a situation.

Visiting a competent allergist regularly to reduce one’s sensitivity to allergies  can change an allergy sufferer’s life for the better.

If you have a client partner suffering with hay fever, suggest weekly Reflexology for the Spirit sessions  at least during allergy season.  This will offer some relief and much needed homeostasis.

Begin the session by working the diaphragm reflexes and the solar plexus.  Move to the endocrine system and focus on the pituitary gland reflexes and the adrenal gland reflexes.  Then move to the respiratory system focusing on the lung reflexes.  Finish the session by giving attention to the liver and returning to a solar plexus hold.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Finish with

Disorders of the Respiratory System are very Common. Their Causes are Both Physical and Spiritual.

Respiratory SystemBecause we don’t store oxygen, we must constantly breathe to keep our bodies oxygenated. The respiratory system is composed of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and our lungs with bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli.  The diaphragm muscles are also part of our breathing system.  As we breathe, our nasal passages act as generalized filters which clean out some toxins and also warm or cool the air before it gets to the lungs.  Breathing not only supplies oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide, it also enables us to speak.

When we reflex the diaphragm muscles, we stimulate the diaphragm and solar plexus to relieve stress, regulate breathing, and to relax.

                             Our breath is, quite simply, our life force.

It reflects our feelings at any given moment.  An important way to offer support in this area is work the solar plexus.  The solar plexus is a group of nerves in the abdomen controlling adrenal gland and muscular function in the intestinal walls.

This is where our third chakra is located and where we get the feelings of “butterflies in the stomach”.

We can improve a situation by changing our breathing rate or depth.

Many people go through life without knowing how to properly breathe.

Encourage yoga classes.  Refer your client-partner to a teacher who knows about breathing and teaches it regularly in class.  If you can’t find a yoga teacher who meets your needs regarding breathing, take continuing education classes and incorporate breathing techniques into your practice.

Encourage your client partners to schedule appointments with you within 48 hours of a yoga class to boost the effects of both sessions.

Respiratory disorders are very common.  Smoking, dusty environments, poor air quality, allergies, and chemicals in the air are major causes of respiratory ailments in addition to the spiritual and emotional issues which also contribute.

Working the respiratory areas in the feet can help relieve bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, to name a few.  Also, working the respiratory areas in the feet also helps clear congestion, inflammation, and assist breathing.

When offering Reflexology for the Spirit to someone suffering from respiratory difficulties, make sure they are sitting up at a 30 degree angle.  This promotes easier breathing and reduces the chance of coughing during a session.

Always work the solar plexus to promote a strong respiratory system.

If a client partner is having trouble breathing (due to congestion, etc.), admits to serious snoring, has allergies,and/or has a chronic cough, there are several things you can, and should, do.  Refer him/her to an ear/nose/throat specialist.  People don’t realize that snoring can be a serious health risk.

Avoid having a client-partner with undiagnosed sleep apnia, a serious condition requiring skilled medical attention.  You are not referring someone to an otolaryngologist to get rid of him/her.  You want your client-partner to have the condition evaluated medically so the proper healing procedures can be followed along with your ongoing reflexology.

If someone has allergies, encourage a commitment to visit an allergist.  A good allergist provides injections to significantly improve the quality of life.  That way, your client partner will have the best chance of achieving optimum respiratory health.  Whatever medical attention is needed and received means that s/he will fare better with proper medical attention in addition to reflexology.  Once the acute situation is taken care of, continued reflexology sessions will support wellness.

Maintaining a healthy respiratory system takes a commitment to Reflexology for the Spirit sessions regularly.   They offer a much needed opportunity for homeostasis which is very important.  People suffering with respiratory system issues are often carrying anger, bitterness, grief, hate, loneliness.  Learning about forgiveness is an  important step for healing.

Please note that the respiratory system interacts closely with both the cardiovascular and digestive systems.  Whenever possible, work all three systems when you are trying to deal with respiratory issues.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

We All Suffer From Fatigue at One Time or Another

Some people are so tired all the time they just ignore it.   This is a total mistake.  It’s often the first symptom of many, many illnesses including flu, chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid problems, cancer, anemia, allergies, sinus infection, sleep deprivation, depression.

Fatigue can be one of the most important symptoms we experience warning us of disease.  It can also be the symptom of a person whose emotional, physical, and spiritual reserves are empty.

Encourage your client partner to visit a primary healthcare provider who’s going to pay attention to his/her symptoms and try to find the cause.  Whether the cause is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, your Reflexology for the Spirit sessions will support your client in the quest for a life with more positive energy.

When you offer regular sessions to fatigue sufferers, you offer an opportunity to find deep relaxation and homeostasis.

Visits to a nutritionist to balance their diet and vitamin intake will help.

SYSTEMS TO WORK:  Until the healthcare provider offers a diagnosis, work the immune system, skeletal system, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, liver, and solar plexus.  After a diagnosis is offered, work the systems necessary for dealing with these issues.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  Until you receive a proper diagnosis from a healthcare provider, choose from peppermint, nutmeg, lemongrass, juniper, basil, lemon, rosemary, black pepper, thyme.

Thank you for reading this post.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, NY

More About Allergies and Reflexology for the Spirit

flowers (639x512)Be aware of the products used to clean the home, pets, car, and workplace.  Products should be used that come under the category of “hypoallergenic”.  It won’t do much good to wash sheets and blankets in hot water with a detergent containing scents and coloring that create allergic reactions.

Finally, your client partner needs to try to resolve issues with persons causing problems.  Your client partner will then have more energy to deal with the other allergens in life.

Often, it’s necessary to use the services of an otolaryngologist and an allergist as well.  Desensitizing treatments can be very effective for persons suffering with contact allergies.  One tried and true natural method is allergy shots.

This may seem like a lot to do.  But, over time, a better quality of life will emerge.  The purchase of over-the-counter preparations to deal with constant allergy symptoms will decrease.  Life will, hopefully, improve.

AREAS TO WORK:  respiratory system, immune system, sinuses, digestive system, endocrine system, liver and solar plexus.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  German or Roman chamomile, wintergreen, lavender.

That completes the section on allergies.  Our next section will be on ankle breaks and sprains – both very spiritual events.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Your Allergies and Reflexology for the Spirit, Continued

flowers (639x512)If your client partner’s dog has a long coat, she/he can consider having it trimmed short.  This being said, some breeds should not be trimmed down:  shelties, collies, Labrador retrievers, etc.  Other breeds can be very easily kept trimmed short.  If she/he  take the   dog to a groomer, ask your client partner to make sure the groomer  knows about the  allergies.  a good groomer will have appropriate shampoos on hand and will know special brushing  and hair drying techniques to remove as much hair and dander as possible to keep shedding to a minimum at home.

Some breeds of dogs don’t cause allergic reactions:  poodles, shih tzus, etc.  These breeds have hair, not coats.

Your client partner should work to keep his/her sinus cavities clean.  Frequent washing of curtains, drapes, throw rugs, stuffed animals, human and pet bedding, etc. will help remove allergy triggers in the home.  Maybe some of these things can just be gotten rid of.  The question to be asked is:  “Do I really need these dusty curtains, stuffed animals, etc.?”

Periodically, dust should be removed on everything in the home with a damp cloth.  the idea is not to stir up the dust but get it in the damp cloth.  When everything has been thoroughly dusted, the used damp cloth should be put in a plastic bag, sealed, and discarded.

All carpets and upholstered furniture should be vacuumed frequently.  If central heat or an air purifier is used, the filter should be kept clean.

Eliminating roaches and/or mice is mandatory.  They create problems for allergy sufferers.  However, be careful of the products used to eliminate these pests.  They can offer problems as well.

The subject of Allergies will continue in the next post.

Thanks for reading this blog.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

What is Reflexology for the Spirit?

Page0004 (1)Reflexology for the Spirit works with reflex points (nerve endings) in the hands, feet, and ears corresponding to specific areas throughout the body.  This book deals with the feet only, but the reflex points are also in the hands and ears (we leave these for the subject of another book).  It’s a system which, when applied, may help many existing health conditions.

These reflex points offer a map which is both easy to read and use.  The left side of the body is reflected in the left foot and the right side of the body is reflected in the right foot.

Reflexology for the Spirit is a natural whole body modality, so many people find they have an aptitude for this hands-on work.

We’re dealing with the energy links and systems of which our bodies are made.  Students are often surprised at how logical the reflexology system is:  the brain is read as a reflection in the toes, the lower spine is in the heel.  The internal organs are in the spaces in between.  This is exciting stuff.

The first place a disease or imbalance can be detected and subsequently treated is in the feet.  Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners  often detect ailments, problems, and diseases before they manifest symptoms anywhere else in the body.  These are described as crystals, resistance, mushiness, emptiness, hollows, etc.  They also can be felt through the sensations the client partner experiences.

The next post will complete the opening portion of this chapter.  After that, we’ll be discussing specific health issues:  allergies, anxieties, MS, stress, to name only a few.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


More New Information about Health Issues, Essential Oils, Etc.

flowers (639x512)This is a guide book to be used as a ready reference.  It was written for reflexology students and practitioners at all levels of experience.  It should also help healers and seekers to navigate through the wealth of information needed to become the best practitioner possible.  It evolved from years of teaching Reflexology for the Spirit.

Whether you have a diabetic with unknown allergies or a teenager with acne, each set of feet brings new challenges.  It’s hoped that the organization of information will guide you to find what you need without a lot of searching.

Common ailments and body systems are categorized and organized for ready reference.  Ideas on the spiritual dimensions of medical conditions are offered along with suggested approaches for working the feet.

Included are suggestions on oils which are applicable for specific problems.  Essential oils can be very powerful if you know how to use them.  When you purchase essential oils, choose a brand offering medicinal grade products with “batch numbers” on each bottle.  That’s the only way you can be sure you’re getting what you pay for.  also, try to work with a brand of essential oils offering you some information and training.

If you are offering Reflexology for the Spirit sessions to a client partner with issues, it’s often necessary to forgive a lot of people and events.  Essential oils can positively impact this process.

We begin with a brief look at the glorious history of reflexology.  Along with a description of the benefits, contraindications are also included in the text.

Tomorrow we’ll continue with more information about the processes offered for learning Reflexology for the Spirit along with new information.

Thanks for reading this blog.  Please comment if you have questions.

Peace and food for all