Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

My Daughter Needed a Time-Out. Here’s what happened.

I teach in my reflexology class about our need for a time-out and how our feet and hands work with the universe to provide it:

“Mom is on her way to the Albany Medical Center Emergency Room!  Can you meet us there?”  My youngest granddaughter was talking about her mother.

Dropping everything, I drove to Albany to the E.R.

After what seemed like an endless wait, we were able to see Jennette  for a few

minutes.  If you could call it that.  What we saw was a mound of bandages on a gurney headed for the ICU.

Our first report revealed broken legs, feet, arms, hands, hips, ribs, and pelvis.

We learned about damaged organs:  liver – spleen.

And – this was just the first report!

In my heart of hearts, I knew this was a long time coming.  For several years, Jennette had been working too much – several times over.  She taught school. In  in the evenings, she created a dramatic show about breast cancer which was showcased in various galleries in the area.

On weekends, Jennette painted plein air landscapes.  She also had these creations in several galleries in the area.

Frankly, Jennette was working about 80 hours a week.  And, how could any of us criticize her?  Her work was moving.  Audiences loved her message.  She was a successful art teacher and her gallery pieces were dramatic.

In her spare time, Jennette looked for a house.

Well, her body knew better.  Reflexology teaches that if a person continues to push the body beyond its abilities, the result is an injury to a foot or hand which insists on rest.

So, one day, Jennette was in the drop-off area at the Albany Airport when a man in a huge pickup truck behind her shifted into drive instead of park and flattened her against the rear of the SUV in front of where she stood.

After three weeks in the ICU and another two weeks adjusting bandages and casts, Jennette is headed to the 8th floor Rehab unit.

My younger daughter, Michele, took some days off from her job as a hospice nurse in Arizona, to come offer support.

Jennette’s two grown children extended their stays to offer support.  Michele taught Zoe how to care for Jennette.

About 10 days into the healing, I gathered us all together with some supportive friends.  We met in the large 2nd floor lobby area of the Albany Medical Center and I offered a prayer:

“Guide us, Archangel Michael, through our days.  Protect us all through the trials and tribulations of healing that away Jennette, and us all, today and into the future.

Archangel Michael, we thank you for the blanket of protection that you use to shield us as we remain in your protection on this healing journey.  We thank you and your bank of protection and healing angels who keep us all safe.

Keep us on the healing path.  Protect us from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harm and negativity.

Please protect and assist Jennette, Michele, Zoey, Sangi, Barry, and all of those who are not here with us physically today: Sophia, Michelle Aqualino, Raymond, Julie, and others.

We are bound together by relationships, events, employment, healthcare activities, and spiritual paths.  Assist us each in our personal healing journey as we travel together.

Archangel Michael, we trust in your capabilities, and your angelic experience.  We thank you for all that You have done and made possible for Jennette’s healing path and success.

Further, we thank you for calling on your band of protection and making this all possible through your Divinity.

We thank you for all you have done for us.


She is now catching up on some much-needed rest and recuperation. and well throughout our days.

We are Ecstatic!

So what is the message here?  Listen to your body and your soul.  Rest when you are tired.

Follow your bliss!

Get to know Jennette better at

I’ve written several books – some with international appeal.  One example is:

The third edition of “Healer’s Handbook” is illustrated here.  It’s gone out to more than 30 countries so far.

This is the second edition.  It has 6 fewer chapters than the third edition.

All of my books are available in paper as well as ebook editions.

An upcoming book is “But for Gabriel” which is only available in ebook in the first edition:

The 2nd edition will be available in paper as well as ebook.  This story has all the tickets: animals, angels, a young mother and her baby, and a magical moving star.  Finally, this story has a long journey.

What more could I ask for?  I had to write this story!  An installment of it is on “Let’s Live”.  I read a shortened version of it on my show “Let’s Live”.

Meanwhile, please share my blog posts with your friends and family.  Forward them on your favorite social media network.

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A Reiki Practitioner’s User Manual – Part 2

When I studied Reiki, Mary Ruth Van Landingham’s classes and handouts were  my user’s manual.  They didn’t even begin to approach all the things Reiki can do for us all.   I think Mary Ruth Van Landingham did that intentionally  because we each write our own user’s manual.

Reiki is a unique and individual  experience for each of us.  Our attunements are the user’s manual for each of us.

I learned to practice Reiki on my massage therapy clients.  Each one got a 10-minute Reiki boost at the end of the massage therapy session.  Because Reiki was still unknown  in my area, none of them had ever heard of Reiki.  Their introduction to Reiki came during the last ten minutes of  a massage therapy session so it came at a moment when they were blissed out, pain free, and totally relaxed.  Needless to say, they all loved their Reiki.

This was good for me also because I was new to Reiki and was fearful about the results.  It took a while for me to  become accustomed to how Reiki worked.

I worried that they might not receive a proper introduction.  So, what happened was that both my clients and I learned together.  For starters, we  learned to recognize  my warm hands  when I introduced Reiki into a session.

Over time, I learned that my hands warmed up whether they were on another person’s body, or my body, or a plant, or a car.  Or whatever.

I learned to trust Reiki.  This was a huge life lesson for me.  I suspect it is also an important lesson for others as well.  Many people go through life never learning to trust people, places, or things.

When I teach Reiki, I don’t think I even mention the word  trust.  The word floats above the classroom like a gorgeous cumulative cloud.  It’s there for all to see.

A wonderful thing to do is practice self-Reiki  to experience a regenerative sleep, easy your headache pain, feel comfortable in your body, or simply feel grounded.

Actually, it’s not necessary to do anything with Reiki.  Just enjoy having received your Reiki attunement(s).  Rest.  Heal.  Let Reiki be with you.

You do not give up anything to learn Reiki.  Reiki does not  test you in any way.   Reiki is not a cult.  It does not come between you and your religious beliefs.  You do not need to change any of your core beliefs.

Instead, Reiki opens doors and windows of learning, opportunity, and enlightenment for you…if that is what you want.  For some, changes are apparent,  immediate,  and outward.  For others, changes are slow, careful, discreet.  It all depends on you, your situation, your life path.

Some students, after receiving their attunements, internalize their new skills.  Reiki is private, intimate, internal.

Other students  use their newfound skills,  practice Reiki and give sessions at every opportunity.

Neither way is better than the other.  In all cases, Reiki assists you on your path.  For me, there is nothing more beautiful than to travel one’s life path.

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Thurman Greco

heart with wings









Wellness and Healing for Ourselves and Our Planet During the Spring Solstice

To promote wellness and healing throughout the planet,  and on March 19th, find a time and place that fits your schedule.

Sit quietly for a few moments and visualize a world where positive renewal and growth exists  for all beings.  Allow wellness and healing to become a reality for all.

Plant  spiritual seeds to nurture your goals and dreams.  Get to know your potential  and reflect on all the wonderful opportunities in the world for growth and hope throughout our planet.

Set an intention  honoring  this mystical and magical change of seasons creating space for your spiritual growth.

Check in with yourself now.  Give your spirit the support it needs and seeks to bring wellness and healing to all beings on our planet.

Quiet your mind as you bathe in this new energy of spring.  Invite universal balance into our world.

Thank you

Thurman Greco

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What Separates Reflexologists From Other Licensed Healthcare Professionals?

Page0009Well, for one thing, it’s our vocabulary.

Every healthcare professional has his/her own vocabulary which is unique to what s/he practices.  Reflexologists have their own vocabulary.

Homeostasis is an important word in reflexology.  This is the balancing of all the body systems which  a session encourages.

Reflexology practitioners include  body systems in the professional vocabulary:  muscular system, skeletal system, respiratory system, circulatory  system, urinary system, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, spiritual/emotional system, physical system, mental system, sense organs,

There are also several words NOT in our vocabulary. Reflexology practitioners do not treat, cure, recommend, advise, examine, prescribe, dispense, diagnose, or administer.  Those ten words are not appropriate for our career field.  I tell students that those ten words are “copyrighted” for allopathic practitioners.

The seven levels of illness are definitely in our vocabulary.  These are the seven diseases which build upon one another as a body progresses from well to diseased.  These diseases begin with fatigue,  and progress to fever, irritation,  inflammation, enduration, ulceration,  and finally cancer.

Disease is caused, in the final analysis by  nutritional deficiencies, sedentary lifestyle, poor sleep habits, improperly used prescription, over-the-counter, and recreational  drugs, digestive difficulties, inflammation, toxicity, depression. endocrine system imbalances, DNA.

These words, terms as it were, set reflexologists apart from other healthcare professionals.  If you ask chiropractors, massage therapists, dentists, acupuncturists what the main causes of disease are, you may hear some of the same words but I doubt if you’ll hear them all.  Instead, you will hear terms that are reflective of the career field of the professional you are asking.

The same holds true for the other words in our vocabulary.  Many professionals may not even be aware of the theory about levels of disease.  Certainly, this concept is not widespread in allopathic medicine.

And, body systems vary from textbook to textbook.  It doesn’t matter really whether or not we combine the muscular and skeletal systems or include the reproductive organs with the endocrine system.

It’s simply that these words, terms, concepts define the lens through which we view our client-partners and their physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional issues which they bring to our tables.

Peace and food for all.

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Thurman Greco