Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

4 Times to Rely on Your Abdominal Brain: Know When to Go With Your Gut


Hello there, cerebral brain!  It’s me, your abdominal brain.  There are some important situations in life when we can work together.   Actually, we work together daily.

I send you information all the time.  I want you to know what happens in the abdomen where I live and work.

When I send red flags bubbling up, I hope you listen.

Example 1:

You are looking for a new job and may have an offer.

In this process, you sometimes when you need need more information.

You don’t have a job offer until you know the day you are expected to report to work, where you are expected to be on the start of your first work day, the name of the person you are to report to, and the amount of money you will be paid.

Can’t decide whether the job offer is for you?  List all the positives about the job.  Next, follow that list with a list of all the negatives.  If the positives outweigh the negatives, you can begin to feel good about your offer.

If you don’t…think about what your abdominal brain is trying to tell you.  Maybe, for the moment, you need to override your abdominal brain and use your head for a while.  Or, maybe you need to listen to your abdominal brain and learn from its wisdom.

Example 2:

When you can’t eat or sleep, your abdominal brain is talking to you.   Something isn’t sitting right for you.

You may have a stomach bug.

Or, you may also be hearing from your  abdominal brain.  What situation is causing physical stress?  Is your abdominal brain working with your intuition to tell you  it’s time to   deal with it.

What decision-making skills do you need to reduce this stress and  live a more comfortable life?  Your pros-and-cons list can help here.  You can also listen to your inner self which tells you what you need to know.

While you decide what to do, spend some time reducing your stress.  As you  lower your stress level, you may find yourself in a place where it’s easier to  listen to your inner voice and your abdominal brain wisdom.

When this happens, you make way for a path to appear for you.

Example 3:

You encounter a situation or someone who is suffering.

Your abdominal brain appeals to you to help others.  But, then, your cerebral brain or your friends and coworkers try to talk you out of it.

You experience objections:  “I’m in a rush.” “This may be a scam.” “If I give this person money for food, she may just buy drugs with it.”

Think, for a moment, about a time when you were in need.  How lonely was your situation?  If someone stepped in to help, did your view of the world change?

This might be a time to pay your gratitude forward.

Example 4:

You are in a situation where a person is talking to you and suddenly your gut does flip flops or you get negative chills or you feel trapped.

This is not a time to dismiss your abdominal brain message.  You are in a situation which is not good for you and your body knows it.   This is a time to follow your gut.

Physically, remove yourself from the premises.

At a party or other group gathering?   Leave.  Now.

Getting ready to get on an elevator?  Back off.  Don’t get on the elevator.  Go somewhere else instead.

Walking down a hallway and suddenly realize you are alone in a dark, public place?  Get out of there immediately.  Find people.  Find lights.

In all of the above situations, you must make a stand for what your gut  knows.  It’s okay.  This is one of the things your body is built to do.

Thanks for reading this blog post.  You can connect with me on Facebook.  If you have friends or know someone who might enjoy this post, please forward it.

If you are looking for more, please check out my books.

Thurman Greco

Putting it all together – The Chakra System, Reflexology for the Spirit, and Reiki Therapy

Spiritual System

Chakras  work together.  If one  is unbalanced, the entire system  is affected.  The Chakras communicate with one another as their energy moves up and down the spine from  Chakra to Chakra.

When this Chakra System is open and functioning well, the human body is in a positive, stress-free, alert state.  When the energy traveling from one Chakra to another is not balanced, the body is stressed.  Even though the imbalance may be limited to only 1 Chakra, the system will be affected.

Humans use several  ways of communicating with ourselves, other humans, and the environment around us:

the cranial brain

the nervous system

the abdominal brain

the energetic layers surrounding the physical body

Using the cranial brain, we know what is going on around us, We observe it,  We form opinions, belief systems, and we communicate with others using language, both written, spoken, and body language.  We use our senses:

our  eyes,





We feel pain, emotion, know when we are ill, afraid, or happy.

Our abdominal brain sends much information to the brain.  There is a continual flow of information going from the digestive tract to the brain which keeps the brain informed about what is happening  in the body.  The abdominal brain sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the intestinal tract.  This leads me to believe that the intestinal brain is more important than we realize.

Our Chakras work together as a communication system.  The Chakras communicate with:

one another,

our bodies,

those around us,

the entire universe.

So far, this book/blog is focusing on the seven major Chakras located along the spine.   In reality, each person has many more Chakras, all of which work together.  They also work with our cranial brain, central nervous system, and our abdominal brain to assist and guide us in our journey through life.

The interconnection created by our Chakras, our cranial brain, our nervous system, and our abdominal brain results in a beautiful spiritual consciousness  which supports us in our journey through life.

Reflexologists, as you work to facilitate homeostasis in your client partners, don’t leave out the Chakras.  Include this fascinating energy system as you work.

BothRreflexology for the Spirit and Reiki therapy fit into this spiritual communication system.  When you offer reflexology to a client partner and you set up the session with Reiki therapy, you expand the power and scope of the healing you  offer.  As you reflex the feet, if you include  the Chakras, you are adding even more power to what you are doing:

Reflexology for the Spirit

Reiki therapy


You  bring about homeostasis as you balance the energy systems of the body.   You work to connect your client partner with all that is.  Your client partner’s body, mind, and spirit are joined  through the Chakras located throughout his/her body.

This is truly healing the mind, the body, and the spirit at the same time.  This is Reflexology for the Spirit.


Thank you for reading this blog/book.  And…thank you for your patience as I work to finish this book.

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Thurman Greco