Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

On a Diet? Get active, eat better, and lose weight!

I don’t know about you, but  I’ve discovered some interesting extra pounds recently.  Not only am  I eating more but I’m also moving less.  It seems  with each passing day, I’m older and  rounder.

Sometimes I feel like I can’t win this battle.  Then, I think about my situation and I realize that I can win this battle.  I need to go on a diet.

The last time I went on a diet, I lost almost three dozen pounds.  That was a long time ago.  Almost thirty years ago, to be exact.  I kissed carbs goodbye and the pounds went along with them.

This time I think I can have a more successful diet and my life will be easier, too.  So…I’m taking this diet week-by-week.  I plan to lose weight using newer, more effective, techniques.  I plan to be healthier.

I hope to do some more interesting things along the way, too.

Will you join me?

I’m hoping to  share  effective weight-loss tips to make weight loss easier and more fun.  I’m also hoping I’ll be able to keep the weight off!

For my first week on this diet, I’m thinking of ways to move more.  I’m getting active for more energy.

I have a weekly zoom yoga/fitness class with Carolyn Abedor on Thursday mornings.  I would prefer to have two classes each week with her but I’m working  on Tuesday mornings when she offers her other class.  I would love to rearrange my work schedule but, so far, have been unable to do so.

I spend a few  minutes on a personal trampoline each day.  Reflexologists love personal trampolines and I’m no exception.

At least twice daily,  my 5-pound chihuahua walks me down the street.  That will soon end when the snow comes.  Taco can’t stand icy roads.

So, I’m seeking other active options.

I try to walk more at work and I like to walk  more when I food shop.

A new goal is to put in about 300 extra steps every day – no matter what.  I plan to add more physical activities over time until I’ve move these 300 steps to 30 minutes of daily exercise.

I’m searching for low-impact activities on exercise videos such as YouTube and Amazon.  I’m planning to check out some videos at the library.  I also plan to contact my area hospital to see what programs are available at its wellness center.

Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you.  I wish us all success in this quest for better health and a better weight.

Meanwhile, for this week, Let’s Move!

I’m hoping you’ll share this article with your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco


Is it a Cold, the Flu, or Coronavirus?

For months we’ve all been reading and hearing about a resurgence of  the coronavirus combined with the flu.    So…what does this mean?

Every year I hear the same question at the beginning of flu season:  HOW DO YOU KNOW WHETHER IT’S A COLD OR THE FLU?  This season, the question is a little different:  HOW DO YOU KNOW WHETHER IT’S A COLD OR THE FLU OR CORONAVIRUS?

There are some real differences.

Fever is rare with a cold.  Fever is common with the flu.  It’s usually high and lasts three or four days.

Headaches are rare with a cold but common with the flu.

Cold sufferers may have slight aches and pains.  Flu sufferers have definite aches and pains which may be severe.

Extreme fatigue and/or weakness is just not a factor with a cold.  Exhaustion is common with the flu – especially at the onset of the illness.

Sore throat, stuffy nose, and sneezing are common with a cold.  A person suffering with a cold may have mild symptoms to include a hacking cough.  With the flu, these symptoms can become severe.

With colds, treatment includes antihistamines, decongestants.  With the flu, the patient needs to consult with a physician about any needed medication.

Coronavirus complicates things.

Many people experience fever as the first symptom of Coronavirus.

The second  symptom is often  a combination of a cough and muscle pain.

Nausea and vomiting make up the third tier.

These symptoms are usually followed by diarrhea.

And, that’s not all.  Some people experience a loss of taste or smell.

And, some people experience deeply reddish-blue toes (chillblains).

Others  have headache and dizziness.

The bottom line here is that coronavirus has many symptoms while colds and flu

are much less complicated.

If you suspect coronavirus, go get tested.  Waiting around while you try to decide you are sick and contagious or not is not good for you and it’s not good for those around you.

There  are several tools at your disposal which can help you early on.

A thermometer is essential.  Take your temperature daily.

When I’m out in the community, my temperature is the key to getting into the office  where I have an appointment.

The no-touch forehead fever thermometer gun has become ubiquitous on  receptionists’ desks wherever I go.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t take your temperature every morning.  Your temperature can accompany your blood pressure reading.  You can keep your thermometer gun beside your blood pressure cuff.

Then, you only need one other item: a pulse oximeter.  A pulse oximeter estimates the amount of oxygen in your blood.

If you have coronavirus, your pulse oximeter will register a lower oxygen level in your body.  This is because with coronavirus, your lungs are inflamed.  (Actually, with coronavirus, inflammation is all over your body).

So, if you are concerned about your health because you may become exposed to coronavirus, you can help yourself with your temperature,  your blood pressure, and your oxygen level.

If you feel ill, you will help your healthcare professional with  these three scores.

For those who aren’t really familiar with an oximeter, it is the little plastic  clip  placed on your finger when you get your blood pressure measured.

These devices are not that expensive, are easy to use, and you can find an explanatory chart which will explain the meaning of the score.

Whatever you decide, prevention is important.  Wash your hands often, wear a mask always when you leave your home, use hand sanitizer and don’t go anywhere around other people if you can help it.

Thanks for reading this blog post.  If you liked this article, please forward it to your favorite social media networks.

Thanks again,

Thurman Greco