Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

10 Things You Can do to Live a Longer Life


When you establish everyday habits with a goal toward a longer life,  you’ll  know   you are  doing  your best to get the most out of each and every day.  Seeking a longer life is a serious quest because  you have to decide not only how long you want to live but also what you plan to do with all those years you plan to have.


Get out into the sun for a few minutes  every day.  Ten to 15 minutes of sun daily will help you store the “sunshine vitamin” which will help your body use the calcium necessary to  stay healthy for a longer life and avoid osteoporosis.


In 1513, Juan Ponce de Leon  landed at  what is now Saint Augustine, Florida, in search of the fountain of youth.  He found it there.  And, it still exists.  Branches of the fountain of youth can be found today in your neighborhood.  They are found on the sidewalk where you walk  as you exercise.  They are  also found in the fitness center in your community.

Exercise is a premiere activity for a longer life.  It doesn’t matter much what exercise plan you have.  Running?  Weight lifting?  Self Defense?  Yoga?  Whatever you choose, you need to like it enough to do it several times a week.  For me, regular exercise is the  Fountain of Youth in action!


Be a part of your community.   The most important thing is that you  develop strong social ties.  You can get active in a church or synagogue.  Or  join a book club.  Donate time at a library or food pantry.  Collect stamps.  Whatever you do,  choose something you’ll enjoy and show up regularly.  Your blood pressure will go down.  Your immune system will improve.  Your heart  will work better.  You will have yourself on a path to a longer life.


Take time each day to enjoy a cup of tea or a glass of iced tea.  Relax, and refresh.

While you enjoy your tea,  know that it will boost your immune system because tea is rich in antioxidants which fight cholesterol and cancer.  Tea loves to fight free radicals.  W hen you drink more tea, you’ll be drinking fewer soda drinks which don’t have the antioxidants and can’t fight diseases like cancer and cholesterol.


Stress is not a problem in and of itself.  Stress is a word describing how you respond to an event causing mental tension and worry.    I do not know anyone whose life is not filled with stress.  Stress affects your health when it  weakens the immune system and contributes to  disease.

I’ve written much about stress in my book “Healer’s Handbook” and in other articles in this blog.

Reiki therapy and reflexology are good anti-stress activities.

Exercise, meditation, a positive mental attitude work to support your ability to shed stress.


There are many, many kinds of exercise.  Choose one that works for your body and your lifestyle.  But, whichever one you choose, include strength training.  Strength training is every bit as important as cardiovascular workouts because the strength we develop and maintain in our back, core muscles and legs is what is going to keep us upright as we age and live longer.  Strength training keeps the spine straight.  Strength training prevents falls.  Check with your healthcare provider when you begin a strength training fitness program.

My physical therapist, Carolyn Abedor,  teaches a weekly yoga class which she calls “Posture”.  I attend this class every week and depend on it to help straighten my spine,  my core muscles and my legs.


Do you know your scores?  It’s a good idea to learn, if you don’t.  Once you know your cholesterol scores, you’ll be more interested in things you can do to make your self healthier for the long haul.


Statistics show us that people who volunteer live longer than those who don’t.    Do you have time in your life to give of yourself?  If so, choose an activity which puts you in direct contact with people at least an hour every week.

This task is probably mandatory if you are seriously interested in longevity.


Multitasking creates unnecessary stress and the efficiency gains you experience aren’t that much of a plus in your life.  This becomes real  when you  find yourself caught in a trap of serving demanding people and situations which steal your energy.

Your spirit will tell you when it’s time to  reduce your To-Do list and learn to say “no” to demanding people.   Simplifying your life can become a spiritual process.


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the most common cardiovascular disease in America.  There are three things to know about hypertension:

For the most part, hypertension is  preventable with proper diet and lifestyle.

Many people  suffer with hypertension and don’t even know it.

Hypertension leads to kidney failure, damaged eyesight, cognitive impairment, and other situations.

There are four things you can do about hypertension:

Cut down on salt.

Lose excess weight.

Keep moving.

Pitch the cigarettes.


Diabetes is a disease which, in many cases, can be prevented and controlled.  Like hypertension, diabetes is a silent  disease for many people.

And, if you are interested in living a longer life, you need to respect it because diabetes can trim 10 years off your life expectancy.

If you think you have diabetes, or if you have diabetes, get yourself on the correct eating plan, get active, and do the things your healthcare provider tells you to do.

Thank you for reading this article!  Please share it with your favorite social media network.

Hopefully you found some things which will benefit your search for a longer, healthier life.  More tips will follow soon!

Thanks again.

Thurman Greco