Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

10 Easy Wellness Tips to Improve Your Nutrition

A good way to lower your risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes is to eat a steady diet of vegetables, grains, legumes, fruit, and dairy products with occasional servings of beef,  poultry, and fish.  This is good nutrition.

Butter is better.  Margarine often has hydrogenated fats which you don’t need.  Margarine also has artificial flavors, colors, etc. It’s better to eat moderate to small amounts of butter than margarine.

Want to add iron to your diet?  Prune juice is high in iron.  As a bonus, it’s also high in potassium.  Think of prune juice as good nutrition!

Want to eat nutritious foods?  Check out broccoli!  Broccoli is low in calories and high in nutrition.

Beans, lentils, and dried peas are good sources of edible fiber.  This translates to foods that are good for you if you want to lower your cholesterol level.  This translates to  better nutrition.

Having  a burger?  Skip the cheese and the bacon.  These two foods add about 250 calories to your burger and add a good deal more saturated fat and cholesterol.

Thinking about your heart health?  Eat fish once or twice a week. as good nutrition.

On a diet?  You can cut your calories by about half if you’ll eat your chicken without the skin.  This will also cut your fat content by about two thirds.

Skip the fruit containing dry cereals.  Most of them don’t have much fruit in the cereal.  If you want to eat cereal with fruit, add fresh fruit yourself.  Your cereal will taste better, look better, and be more nutritious.

Go for the popcorn.  Popcorn has fewer calories and fat than potato chips which makes it more nutritious!

Thanks for reading this article!  Hopefully you’ll find tips you can use for more nutritious eating.

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Thanks Again

Thurman Greco