Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Your Sleep as a Spiritual and Healing Event

angel with cat

For all that’s written and spoken about sleep, we all know on some level that sleep is a complex, spiritual event necessary to maintain our health and keep the body and soul together.

I was recently quite ill with a “sinus infection of global proportions” as described to me by a healing friend.  My first tip off was when I decided on a Wednesday afternoon that I suddenly needed to rest.  Fortunately, I followed my body’s demands and crawled in bed.  I promptly went to sleep and woke up on Sunday morning.

On Sunday morning, I was quite tired but felt better.  I drank a lot of water, ate fresh fruit, and made it to the doctor’s office on Monday to find out what my problem was.  Within a couple of hours, I had had enough blood tests, x-rays, and other scans to learn that I not only had the enormous sinus infection but I also had pneumonia.

I also had a physician who was angry at me, a daughter nurse who was angry at me, and several other medical professionals who were angry.

I doubt if I’ll have this experience repeat itself again.  And, I’m certain that this sleep, while highly therapeutic, may have needed some breaks for hydration, etc.

Nevertheless, I’m also convinced that, on some level, the sleep helped my situation.

I was fortunate because I fell  asleep without trouble.  Sleep is not always available to people who are ill or suffering with troubled health for whatever reason.

And, sometimes people are ill and need nothing more than a good night’s sleep to make things better.  So, encouraging a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is a good thing.  Sleep, experienced regularly, is important for wellness and good health in general.

What provision do you make for a regular sleep schedule which includes enough sleep every night?  Are you able to include enough hours to offer therapy to your self and lifestyle?

Is your pillow adequate for the job?

Truthfully, I’ve blogged many times and will blog many times more about all the things a person can do to get enough sleep.  Keep after your sleep until you are able to support your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

The first step involves honoring your self and your need to sleep well in order to live well.

Thanks for reading this blog post.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco

Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood