Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The Fifth Chakra and Reflexology

full moon

The fifth Chakra reflex point is located on the necks of the toes on both feet.  This is where the throat, thyroid, neck, mouth, jaw, ears, teeth, and gums are located.

Fifth Chakra issues include:




self expression


Am I afraid to express my opinions?

Do I  ever lie about issues?

Am I  unable to express my creative potential?

Do I  never let others express themselves?

Do I  ever voice my opinions?

Do I hide my creative potential?

Am I afraid to step into my  power?

Do I  lack self confidence?

Am I  afraid to fail?

Do I  use my  voice to hurt others?

Do I use my  voice to help others?

Can I  keep a promise?

Do I express myself honestly?

Do I gossip?

Do I get a lot of sore throats?

Am I sometimes unable to speak?

Do I cough a lot?

Do I have gum and teeth problems?

Am I psychic?

Communication is the focus of the fifth Chakra.  Focusing on the fifth Chakra develops listening on different levels.

The fifth Chakra is located on the pathway between the heart (the fourth Chakra) and the mind (the seventh Chakra).  The throat Chakra develops issues when a person can accept a truth or concept in the fourth Chakra (heart) but not in the seventh Chakra (mind).

I saw a lot of this happening after the tragedy of 9-11.  Many of my client partners began to suffer with throat Chakra problems.

With a balanced fifth Chakra, we are able to listen in subtle ways that we were unaware of before.  We can then become more aware of energetic surroundings.  We are aware of the harmonic vibrations around us.

As with the other Chakras, Reflexology for the Spirit sessions offer homeostasis,, which is the balance of all body systems.

Reiki therapy sessions balance the Chakras  This is important when working the fifth Chakra.

Cleanses remove emotional,  mental, and physical toxins.  As  toxins leave the body, space is made for subtle communication to take place.  Intuitive communication becomes easier.

Meditation can facilitate a balanced throat Chakra – especially if you can meditate in silence.  So much of our lives are bombarded with sounds.  Give yourself a few moments when you focus inward.  Give yourself a few minutes without  bombarding   sound.  Try to set aside a few minutes when you do  not talk, listen to voices, or mix with people.

On another meditation, take yourself out to the edge of the edge of the heavens.

It’s easy to tell how centered the fifth Chakra is by observing a person’s neck.  Is the person in pain?

If your neck is uncomfortable, rotate your head slowly in different directions.

When you work with your client partner’s fifth Chakra, you offer him/her the opportunity to find inner peace through deep listening.  The fifth Chakra is based on vibrations.  Helping your client partner become aware of these sounds  can offer dramatic change to his/her life.  This is how the answer to the age old question is found:  “What is my truth?”

Thank you for reading this blog/book.  I am now accepting reflexology students.  Please email: for information.  Thanks!

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Thurman Greco