Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

2 Ways the Heart Reflex is Enhanced in a Reflexology Session


Circulatory SystemThe Heart is the strongest muscle in the body.  It has very specific functions.  It pumps oxygen depleted blood from the veins to the lungs.  It pumps oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the arteries.  These functions control circulation.  The heart is the only part of the circulatory system which is charted.

The heart is located between the lungs behind the breastbone.

When the heart reflex is worked, several things happen:

The heart pumps oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the brain and other organs.

The cardiovascular action pumps blood throughout the body.

The heart reflex is located on the sole of the left foot in the area of the diaphragm line.  It is down from the third toe and covers most of the ball of the left foot.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

