Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Guided Meditation: An Angel Points the Way to a Digestive System in Perfect Health

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SEEK OUT A COMFORTABLE PLACE WHERE YOU WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED.    Turn on some quiet music if you like.  Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.    Feel your body as it becomes comfortable in this place you have chosen.

TAKE A FEW DEEP BREATHS.   Now, take a few relaxing breaths.  As you breathe in, feel the healing air you are bringing into your body.  As you inhale now, feel the pure healing air as it  enters your nose, throat, and lungs.  Each time you inhale, allow your body to breathe in more healing air into your lungs and then into every artery, and finally every vein in your body.

With each exhale, you release toxins, stress, negativity which have collected throughout your digestive system.  Your exhales are gently  detoxing your system.

As you are breathing in this healing air, you become aware of a  a special healing light accompanying these inhales.  As you inhale, feel  the healing light wash over your body.  Feel this healing light as it bathes your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being.

Now, notice that this light is focusing on your digestive system, washing toxins and any issues away.  This healing light  gives health to your digestive system beginning with the mouth and traveling down through the esophagus, stomach, liver, small and large intestines, rectum and anal canal.  This healing light brings health to every organ down to the cellular level.

Breathe deeply and naturally now for a few moments as you receive the nurturing energy from this light.  Allow your digestive system to melt into this healing moment.  Allow your digestive system to absorb this purity and perfection.  Relax a bit more and listen for the sounds of the forest which is enfolding you.

You find yourself on a path in the forest.   As you move down the path, you feel the air on your skin.  You smell the soil, the leaves.   You hear the forest sounds:  the birds, rustling leaves, small animals skittering.  The healing light you breathed in a few moments ago is allowing you to become one with the forest.


You look down the path and see an angel ahead.  You notice everything about this angel who is welcoming you.  You will want to remember this angel and this place when you return for  visits.  Notice the colors, the textures, the sounds, the smells.

This angel is here to help you focus on the health of your digestive system.

You feel that this angel is here to help you be healthy and stay healthy.

Your angel begins to share with you how your body is now working as it properly should.  You pause a few moments and receive the  wisdom this angel has for you.

You begin to gain insight about what blocks need to be released, what organs need more nourishment, how to channel stress and negative emotions into positive life experiences.

AS YOU GAIN INSIGHT, YOU BEGIN TO HAVE YOUR OWN QUESTIONS.  You know this angel has the answers for you.  You know  that if the answers do not come immediately, there is no need for concern.  You know from the angel’s presence that the answers will come in another time or at another place.

It’s time for you to go now.  It’s time for you to return to your room and your safe, comfortable place where you began this meditation.     As you leave the forest and return to the comfortable place in the room, you feel the healing light stay with you.

You return to the moment relaxed, refreshed, knowing you can visit this forest and this  angel whenever you want.

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Peace and food for all.
