Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog – Muscular System

Muscular System

OUR BODIES CONTAIN OVER 600 MUSCLES, AND THEY ARE IN EVERY BODY PART, GLAND, AND ORGAN.    Muscles work in tandem with the bones in our skeletal system to enable a body to move, circulate blood, help maintain posture, and produce heat and energy.  They are controlled by that command center referred to in the Nervous System.

There are three types of muscles:  cardiac, smooth, or skeletal.

CARDIAC MUSCLES EXIST ONLY IN THE HEART  where they form the heart walls.  The cardiac muscle works alone and is autonomous.  Smooth muscles are involuntary and are found in the walls of internal organs like as the stomach and blood vessels.  Both the cardiac muscle and smooth muscle tissues do their work involuntarily with no help from us.  They are activated through the autonomic nervous system as well as hormonal action.

THE MAJORITY OF THE BODY’S MUSCLES ARE SKELETAL.   The system includes the tendons that attach muscles to bone and the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles.  Skeletal muscles move voluntarily and are used for every kind of motion – walking, speaking, running.  These are the muscles which move us forward in life.

SEDENTARY PEOPLE WHO DON’T STIMULATE THEIR MUSCLES TO WORK FIND THEIR MUSCLES ATROPHY.   Statistics prove that a sedentary life style leads to depression and emotional and spiritual malaise.  Reflexology supports the activation of muscle function through exercise resulting in more positive and alive feelings.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco