Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Bronchitis – a Spiritual Affliction Attacking the Respiratory System.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection.  Bronchitis rears its ugly head when one’s resistance is low, frequently after a cold.  There is a very real spiritual aspect to bronchitis.

People suffer from bronchitis when they’re feeling too much pressure.  Conflict, anger, and grief are important aspects to bronchitis.  People come down with bronchitis when they need time to themselves because they feel a lack of appreciation or love.

Bronchitis can often be a precursor to asthma.  A good thing to find out when a person begins to suffer with bronchitis is what was going on in the person’s life before the bronchitis, what was upsetting the person.  Basically, it’s important to find out the spiritual and emotional issues behind the disease.

Begin a Reflexology for the Spirit session which focuses on bronchitis by working with the solar plexus and the diaphragm reflexes.  Then move on to the respiratory system as you focus on the lung reflexes.  Work the endocrine system and focus on the adrenal gland reflexes.  Finish up with the lymphatic system reflexes.

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As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Depression can be both physical and Spiritual and definitely affects the Respiratory System

Depression occurs when a person undergoes stress and tension manifested as anxiety, fear.  Factors contributing to depression include death of a close friend or relative, moving to a new location, buying and selling a home, changing employment, financial worries, divorce, feeling that a situation is hopeless.

Depression becomes monumental to its sufferers.  Depression can become a huge weight carried around by its sufferers.  Just the words associated with depression carry weight:  overwhelmed, failure, anger, helplessness, misguided, fatigue, melancholy, anger.

No one should suffer through depression without medical help.  A competent medical professional should guide a depressed person through the situation by searching the person’s health and background to discover:

underlying diseases and preexisting medical conditions

proper specific nutritional guidelines

prescription drugs which may be contributing to the depression

what sleep disturbances may be contributing to the situation

what environmental toxins may be contributing to the worsening of the situation

what lifestyle factors may be involved,

what allergies, if any are contributing to the situation.

Throughout  all this, the person needs counseling, an exercise coach, and regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions as well as a support system of health care professionals.

When working with a depressed client partner, you may be offering different sessions at different times depending on the person’s journey to health. A good beginning protocol includes working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes, then moving on to the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary reflexes, the thyroid and parathyroid glad reflexes.  Then, work the respiratory system with focus on the lung reflexes.  The urinary tract should be worked with emphasis on the kidney reflexes.  End with the spine reflexes.  The goal here is homeostasis.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Asthma – a Very Real Spiritual Disease

Asthma is a condition involving severe breathing difficulty due to allergies, emotional and/or spiritual stress as well as other issues.  Asthma  attacks include shortness of breath, cough, generalized wheezing, and abnormal breathing.

Spiritually, people suffering with asthma seem, to me, to be trying too hard to please others.  When people are trying to be perfect, they sometimes have trouble standing up for themselves and expressing their feelings.  Asthma sufferers often feel controlled, hurt, stuck, and caged.

Asthma is one disease which is rising rapidly in our country.  Many children suffer with asthma.  My opinion is that children suffer with asthma when they are pushed toward independence too soon.  The children may feel insecure.  The relationship to the mother is important here.

As the child grows up, the relationship issues are more often involving the boss in a work relationship.  As an employee, the person has trouble breathing for him/herself.  The person feels helpless and is in a situation where suffocation describes the situation.  And, of course, stressful events just make the asthma worse.

Emotions felt here include a need to express one’s feelings and emotions.  Anger, grief, lost boundaries.

The person suffering with asthma can do several things, the first of which is to have a competent health care professional actively involved in the situation.  Asthma is not a situation where a person self treats.  ACUTE ASTHMA ATTACKS REQUIRE MEDICATION IMMEDIATELY.

A good first step is to identify allergens, and take steps to reduce the allergic threshold.  This means taking allergy shots.  This can save or eliminate much discomfort.

Eating a diet suitable for asthmatics can significantly improve your health.  Generally speaking, a vegan diet is  best for an asthmatic.  This diet eliminates all animal products.  Your positive response to this diet might be slow so plan to eat a vegan diet for several months  before you notice dramatic reduction of asthma symptoms.  Consult with a nutritionist to make sure  you are eating the best foods for you and your condition.

Try to eat pure foods as food additives can contribute to asthma attacks.  Basically, avoid processed foods as much as possible.  Stick with fresh, organic foods whenever possible.

Be sure to get a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids daily.

Vitamin C, Magnesium,  and B6 are also helpful.

Let your nutritionist guide you through the food supplement maze.

Whenever I need supplements, I go to Liz at the Woodstock Apothecary.  She is their staff nutritionist.  Her knowledge and experience have saved me money and improved my health.

When using Reflexology for the Spirit to offer sessions to an asthma sufferer, begin by focusing on the solar plexus and diaphragm.  Then work the endocrine system focusing on the pituitary gland reflexes and then the adrenal gland reflexes.  Work the respiratory system focusing on the lung reflexes.  End the session by working the intestinal reflexes.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco